sbf -- agreed.
Cedars, I will be very honest and sincere. Why don't you just stop the glory-seeking? I have a suspicion that there were conflicts at AAWA between you and the other "Big Dog", the charismatic Bo. Whatever - do we care? For the most part, I think not. Stop trying to be a "STAR" ... we don't need stars.
It's okay to just be 'one of us'. No one expects greatness --- do what you do well. Write stuff, examine the old JW doctrines, and write about them, exposing the wrongs. Don't worry about being important and looked-up-to.
Take it easy ............. we don't need heroes. You can't compete with past posters .... make your own stamp, as have I and many others, by being sincere. Show a bit of humility.
I'm sorry for all of us, that this has been such a fiasco.
It's not all your fault. WTF is up with people heroizing ... let it go, folks! No one can be put on a pedestal - they are bound to fall, and it's unfair to Cedars to exalt him.
There are so many valuable posters here, and Cedars is one of them. ONE OF THEM - ONE OF *US*. That's all.