Our government is driven not by honest leadership that the people expect. It is driven by pure political manipulation that has one purpose - cover the criminal incompetence of the Obama administration.
Illegal weapons supplied to Mexican cartels, Benghazi...now Boston...
by Glander 20 Replies latest social current
My deepest concern here is that exposure actually has some positive effect and not just a shrug of the shoulders.
They fought a whole war that was based on fraud and that accomplished nothing. The DOJ admitted publically that the Big Banks are above the law. They ran fraudulent document factories and nothing was done ( 60 Minutes).
Spain and Greece have a jobless rate that is above 25% and nothing changes.
Obamacare was just denounced as a 'trainwreck' by one of its biggest advocates. Nothing is done.
need I go on?
Is violence the only way to change things? I hope not but where's the alternative?
Obamacare was just denounced as a 'trainwreck' by one of its biggest advocates. Nothing is done.
Not strictly true. Sen. Baucus, listening to the anti-Obamacare hype from the right (which they are attempting to make a self-fulfilling prophecy by withholding funding), was referring to initial implementation of the law, not the law itself.
They're all criminal in nature, and have been since this country's inception.
Right. And where was this pearl-clutching outrage when Bush and Co. f'ked up everything?
Anyway, we're still wondering - what's Boston got to do with Benghazi?
I thought the reference in the thread opening was pretty clear. I am saying that the Boston attack reveals that our Homeland Security and our Federal Bureau of Instigation are not communicating. Something is wrong when such a clumsy attack can be brought off by a well documented potential terrorist. Now that the bombs have done their damage it is CYA (cover your ass) time. I would have more respect for the Pres. if he would be pursuing the answers.
I don't think your confusion is sincere, (peace be with you), nothing new, but I will leave it at that. It is my opinion of the continued stink of cover ups coming from this administration.
Honestly, the photos posted above by BB are rather vague as to their relevance to what this thread is addressing.
Should the Federal Government allocate funds and people power to have every person in this country on their terrorist watch list tailed 24/7.
Designs, I know you are smarter than that.
Thanks lol
I had two FBI Agents tail me for about three months before I was arrested over the Draft/Vietnam War issue. We have a lot of surveillance in this country now. We also deal with ours being an open Society where you can protest, say nasty things about the government, burn a flag if you want. It is a tough call as to when we have law enforcement pick someone up prior to committing a felony act.
In other words these two brothers could freely go to the Boston Marathon as spectators like anyone else, but could they or were they being tailed at the Event.
Theocratic Sedition: Ethnic slurs will not be tollerated on this site. Please avoid such expressions in future or your account will be removed.
Janet "Jabba the Hut" Napolitano is all over the news tonight, pick your network. Talk about double talk and CYA!
Whats the difference between a legal and illegal weapon. If some nutter shoots you in the head your still dead.