maybe its not good enuff for you but considering the holidays i gave are directly related to sowing and harvesting the fact the dates drifted didnt seem to bother them. Nisan 14 was also a celeberation of first fruits.
Connections with ASTROLOGY continue to elude you.
The text says god controls the constellations and zodiac which control our earth. The characters in the text are all figures from the zodiac and astrology. acknowledging their powers to influence our lives is what astrology is all about. I will conceed that the exact definition of mazzaroth is not known but generally most believe its zodiac
Like the 'wheel in the sky' we seem to be going around in circles. I already said the Bible teaches that God controls everything, the earth, the sky, the times and seasons. You have yet to make a case that the Bible teaches the constellations and planets control the earth in an ASTROLOGICAL sense.
Of course they are, because the sun is the center of all things astrology. In the case of the lunar calendar system, the month was just a division just like a day or week. The jewsish calendar had 7 days which matches the 7 heavenly bodies. other week systems with 7 days also had the same reasoning.
The 7-day week may well match the 7 'planets' (as well as the 7 wonders of the world, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 seals, 7 deadly sins, 7 heavens and 7 dwarves). Judaism's 7 day week came from the Genesis creation story. Besides, the Sun was not the center of anything back then. The Earth was.
And yet Daniel a hero worked as an astrologer for the king of Babylon and is miraculously saved. Everybody quotes Daniel and he is never condemned for this vacation.
From my post 3 months ago:
"Yes, Daniel learnt the ways of the Chaldeans (including astrology) but his book ALWAYS makes it clear that YHWH was giving the interpretations of (note) dreams and visions - not the Babylonian gods through their manifestions in the sky."
You might want to look up what Shamash means, clue Shamash is the Hebrew for Samson and it means sun. Samson was a solar god, the entire story is filled with solar imagery.
*Sigh* I knew you'd home in on 'Shamash.' Next you'll claim that Catholics, in times gone by, who used lucifers to light candles were paying homage to the devil. Ditch the 'Alexander Hislop approach' and research more carefully f' goodness' sake!