My wife and I were discussing this and thought of a few examples of words that the WT Society changes meanings on in order to accomplish their own self serving agenda . For example :
The term - GENERATION - Definition in Webster's New World Dictionary : " Generation - A single stage or degree in the succession of natural descent ( father, son, and grandson are three generations ) . the average period ( about thirty years ) between the birth of one generation and that of the next . "
The term - GENERATION - As defined by the WT Society - Any combination of people living from birth until age 90 or more and thus causing overlapping generations to be combined as one generation. ??
The term - SLAVE - Definition in Webster's New World Dictionary : " A human being who is owned as property by another and is absolutely subject to his will ; bondservant divested of all freedom and personal rights. A person who is completely dominated by some influence, habit, person, etc. "
The term - SLAVE - As defined by the WT Society - A slave is a servant to others and is humble and actually the greatest among you because they serve the needs of the congreagtion . Thus the " faithful slave " is Jesus's chosen appointed servant to rule over the " great crowd " now giving them " spiritual food " at the proper time . Elders " slave " for the congregation and it's said to be a desirable, good thing. No negative connotation in " slavery " by WT Society definition, only positive.
The term - WORLDLY- Definition in Webster's New World Dictionary : " Of or limited to this world, temporal or secular. Devoted to or concerned with the affairs, pleasures, etc. of this world. Worldy-wise; sophisticated. "
The term - WORLDLY- As defined by the WT Society - A worldly person is considered wicked, immoral, evil, and a sinner unworthy of God's approval. A worldly person is anybody NOT a Jehovah's Witness and is worthy of destruction at the WT Society ordained alleged " Armageddon ". Thus the term worldly by the WT Society ONLY has an extreme negative connotation as opposed to the REAL definition having positive value.
So these are some words that the WT Society misuses and abuses and changes MEANINGS of to endorse and push their own agenda. Can you folks add or think of other words that the WT Society misuses to deceive, distract, and otherwise control prospective members of Jehovah's Witnesses with ? As always I look forward to your comments and views and opinions. Take care