Ancient mystery in New Mexico desert- Ancient Paleo-Hebrew stone

by Brother of the Hawk 33 Replies latest social current

  • jgnat

    BOTH, paleo-Hebrew means it is pre-Hebrew. If that "scholar" claim is correct, the Hebrew alphabet began with vowels and then later dropped them. I note also that the spelling of YHWH is different than the most ancient texts. That is inconcievable.

  • jgnat

    BOTH, I don't have the power to kick off any members, and I would never suggest such a thing just because I disagree. I do reserve the right to disagree, however. After all, this is a discussion board.

  • Comatose

    Don't take it personal, disagreeing with no bad consequences is why we come here BOTH.:)

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    NE here. I'm out of posts, so have to use Hubby's.

    Next y'all be telling me that Chupacabra's aren't real!

  • jgnat
  • soontobe

    It's not a mainstream idea, but I don't think it is out of the question that Phoenicians/Carthaginians reached the Americas. I think we tend to underestimate the navigation and seafaring capabilities of ancient peoples.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    The Mormons are right! The Garden of Eden really was in Jackson County, Missouri!

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    combination of Moabite-Greek-Ancient Phoenician and done in a Paleo-Hebrew script

    Why not reformed Egyptian?

  • jgnat

    Louis L'Amour would have agreed with you, soontobe. It seems to me if this were so that we should see artifacts along the coasts.

    Viking Artifacts Arctic

    Viking Artifacts

    Haida Longhouse

    Haida Longhouse

    Shinto Shrine

    Shinto Shrine

  • *lost*

    BOH interesting.

    I love this kind of stuff.

    Unfortunately there is the possibility it is a hoax.

    However. there has been a sicovery of another stone, in 2008 ( which I only found ut today as there was a small article in a national newspaper about it )


    It is ink written on stone. Dated as early as the 1st century BCE, at the time of the second Jewish temple.

    the writing is very faded and has offered a very daring theory, claiming -

    It included a concept of MESSIANIC RESURRECTION that pre-dates Jesus.

    '' in 3 days you shall live ''

    It contains 87 lines of an unknown prophetic text.

    ps; that dog like thing, doesn't look remotely like a hyena, unless it's totally differant species/type/breed.

    see '' Shunka Warakin ''

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