Disgusted with JW Funeral Today!

by time2keepmoving 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • keynumber
  • Joliette

    JW funeral talks are disgusting! I can't believe they read from an outline. The thought of it just makes me wanna

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Key Number...Hi and let me be the first to Welcome you to JWN. We're so happy. You're so smart. We are so happy, you are now OUT.

    Congratulations on the rest of your life.

    How does it feel to be able to be put 2+2 together, all on your own? lol

    Did your wife and mother-in-law wake up too? Do they realize there is no Big "A" coming and hopefully they have their retirement planned.

    If and when you have the time, maybe start a new thread, and tell us a little more about yourself.

    Yes, JW funerals are just infomercials for The Book Publishing Company, to sell more books for a donation.

    What a racket.

    Just Lois

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Time2KeepMoving...I read your post almost a week ago. It was so upsetting to me.

    I wonder with the marvels of the Internet, how anyone can stay a JW after they have learned they have been lied to, all of their lives.

    I am very sorry your sons young friend, not just died, but was murdered. No time for good byes. He hadn't but just gotten started to live. His poor family.

    A JW funeral does not give a loving send off for their dead. More or less it is, "he's dead, hey did he leave us his estate, no... next!" and even if they trick you into leaving all or even part of your estate to them, your funerlal isn't any longer or said any different than the next one. They are all Infomercials.


    The Watch Tower Society doesn't care about anyone but themselves. They are cruel, vindictive and hateful. No wonder people say they are not a "Christian" religion. They are a money based Book Publishing firm, with huge worldwide Real Estate Holdings. Turning it into a religion has saved them millions upon millions of tax free dollars.

    I am sorry for you and your son's loss.

    Just Lois

  • LisaRose

    When my father died I was disappointed about how little the memorial was about him, it was all just an infomercial for the dubs. I was still in at the time, but I could still see how pathetic it was. I heard many of the non JW family were horrified. When my mom died, it was worse. It's like her whole life before being a dub didn't count at all, the only thing important was her enslavement to the organization.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Yes, LisaRose, It is disturbing and pathetic, and cruel. How many funerals have I been to, and the speaker stumbles over the publisher's name. Can't even get that right.

    Just Lois

    PS...((((((((((((((HugsLisa)))))))))))))))))) Being a born in, I never expected my parents to die. They did at 94 for Dad and 90 for mom. It still comes as a shock. I never entertained the idea of being an orphan. But that is the cycle of life. Just because The Watch Tower Society has thought of a humdinger of a way to make millions of dollars, being a book publisher, turned tax free religion, doesn't mean the world changes. They lie, a lot. Millions Now Living, Will Never Die...I wonder if they set up a Company or bought stocks in any Funeral Parlors. Humans die. They know it. We know it. They profit from it. A JW Funeral. Another Infomercial..."It's... con some more people time".

    Just Lois

  • keynumber

    I'm df'd, ex-bethelite from '76-'80. greater majority of my direct family are jws, including my mother, brothers and sister. my father never has taken a interest but was most of the time suporritive. his attitude was as mark twain is quoted, "its easier to stay out then to get out" how I found this out as many thousands have.....anyway my father recently passed. my brother(elder)called me to hospice along with the others, thanked him for the consideration....the memorial services were to be held at the kh. and told me that there will be mny jws there that dont know your circumstance, so watch out you don.t make them feel uncommfortable. couldnt believe it, I assured him and mention that you should get all us df'd ones and at the kh, teach us df'd funeral jw protocal, well actually dont get me wrong after my "3rd stint" Im fully aware of this. I didn't find his request difficult untill he gives me a call, this time that I'm not to attend the after memorial dinner, which was taking place at a "elks lodge". I was very hurt and angry I didnt sleep at all that night. I mistakenly called my mother and asked if it would not be offenceful for me to be there. as mny of non-jw realives would be there. she told me that the C.O. was just making the visit of the congr. and it was deteremined it would not be right that I attend. my mother said to accept the dicision of the elders and dont come. well my unbeleiving side of the famly who dont have much taste for the jw side got wind of this. I mentioned to my bro. elder. this action is not going at all make them more receptive but ineffect is bringing reproach on Jehovah and the jws. and YOU are responsible for this. just as some information on the side my wife is a jw and my kids are also and shocked. I will not go, but its up to family to make there dicision. and I have been going to the hall on a regular basis with her. I am reaching for reinstatement but do see clearly unbalance view and the cultic control. as I read " good people do good things and bad people to bad things, but it takes religion to make good people to do bad things" believe me I really enjoy this site and why would i be on it iff i was in total mind and heart control. I wanted to be with my mother and father, now its only my mother...my motive.

  • Magwitch

    Keynumber.....Please start a new thread with your story. So many of us would love to hear more about you!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    KeyNumber...(((((((((((((((((((BIGHUGS))))))))))))))))))))) I am sorry for all the pain this self righteous Organization, has caused you. It is not right. Certainly not loving. It is abusive and cruel and they know it. It's all about controlling the masses.

    Do you know how to post a new thread?

    Hit "Home" then choose under which heading you would like to post under, for your thread.

    Then, I believe it says "New Post".

    Hit it, type in what you want to share. This is a public board so be careful what you post.

    After you post, you have a total of 30 minutes to change anything.

    You do that by hitting the little yellow pencil on the top far right.

    We are very happy to have you here with us.

    Just Lois

  • talesin

    To the OP, please accept my condolences to you, your son, and all, for this tragic loss.

    Yes, their 'memorial service' is such a sham. I went to my last in the mid-90s. It was in a Funeral home, as Grampy never converted. He loved his tobacco and well, his freedom far too much.

    It was the strangest experience. People were shunning me, some were pleasant but uncomfortable, but the worst was my aunt, who ran over to me and gushed "Oh we miss you so! How are you?" I gently took her arms from around my neck, and said, "My number is in the book. I'm easy to find if you really care."

    Had to turn around and leave. Hey, I visited Grampy 4-5 times / week. He knew I loved and respected him. I brought him soft licorice pipes when he finally had to give up the tobacco. I listened, on the edge of my seat, to his tales of sailing the sea, and how they surviived back in the "Depression" .. and I was no kid! Did any of them ever visit? Maybe once a year, mostly not, except for one uncle and my mom. The rest, those good Xtians, nada.

    So, I honoured him in life, as I do those who are in my life now.

    And I choose not to put myself in the position of being under and control and/or contact with my abusive sibling, or anyone - JW or non-JW. Period.

    I will not, like somone said earlier, attend another JW burial service or whatever it is they want to call it. Nope.


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