
by leaving_quietly 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • leaving_quietly

    Why change who the domestics are? Put simply: control.

    Think about it. Before the, er, um, "further clarification", the domestics only included the anointed. The great crowd was part of Jesus' belongings. Thus, they claimed authority over all of Christ's belongings, which included the great crowd. Now, however, the GB says they haven't been appointed over all of Jesus' belongings, yet, but to maintain control, they make the great crowd part of the domestics so they can still say they have authority over them.

    That's so sly and sneaky that it almost got past me.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I've been out since 1995. I now throw my hands up and admit that my intellect cannot keep up with the everchanging con game that the Watchtower plays with JW beliefs.

  • Dagney

    They make so much out of a word or phrase...sheesh.

    When my brother (elder) asked if I believed the JW's were the FDS, I told him 'IT'S A PHRASE IN ONE VERSE IN ONE CHAPTER IN ONE BOOK OF THE BIBLE!! It's a set of words in an illustration. It's not the same words in any other bible, yet how I answer supposedly determines my eternal life! Besides, the FDS is held accountable in the verse as to how they treat the domestics, not how the domestics "treat" the FDS. So it is not for me to decide. The FDS better be very nice to me or I think they are in trouble with the master."

    Edited to add: (sorry...went off on a tangent as my eyes rolled back in my head at the nooo lite.)

    Yes, that is confusing. Freddy would never let that happen.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    good point Dagney. I'll remember that. You seem like a cool dude

  • Dagney

    I am wha.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Yes....she is a cool dude.

  • Dagney

    (sorry l_q)

  • prologos

    dagney: a great line, it is a stunner to drop on a half-awake jw: as you said:

    not important how you treat the FADS (GB) but how the slave treats the domestics- you." wow. the master will decide not us or the FADS GB. right. because

    In Math 25, where the sheep treat the brothers of Christ, FADS of old lite, it is the LEAST not the Governing part that needs and gets the help.

  • BroMac

    leaving_quietly you have put down here exactly what has been going round and round my head since this July WT came out. But I have not been able to 'work it out' as clearly as you have just done.

    Splaney got some 'splanin to do: "We love this new idea" "It really dignifies the Great Crowd of other sheep"

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Dageny, I picture u as a 6 ft Scotsman with one leg and a huge red Mullit

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