There are more straight men having same-sex intercourse than gay men.
This is an open secret that most straight people don't realize, or refuse to acknowledge. According to researchers, only about 3.0%-3.5% of men are actually gay. Yet 10% of straight men have had or continue to have same-sex relations. And of that 10%, 70% are married to women. This is crucial because gay men used to be exclusively targeted with ads, warning them to practice safe sex. Now, according to WebMD (, proponents of safe sex realize that all men should be targeted with that message.
What's my point? Well, was God targeting gay men or straight men in Leviticus, when he warned men about "lying with a man, as you would a woman"? Would that statement even make sense to a gay man?
It's obvious that every law and regulation in Leviticus was tied to true and false worship. Lots of Pagan worship of that time involved sex, including same-sex relations. So was God referring to just homosexuality or to the practices of straight men and women having same-sex relations to appease the Pagan gods? If God was referring to only homosexuality, why didn't he just say so? He is God, isn't he? It would certainly make more sense for his worshippers throughout the ages who would read his words later. Interestingly, no prophet, not even Jesus, referred to this law later as having to do with homosexuality. Also, it would be completely out of place if it were just targeting homosexuality, because all the verses surrounding it had to do with paganism. This explains why most Christians do the things that God condemns in Leviticus with a clean conscience, because they aren't doing them to worship some Pagan diety who no longer exists and is long forgotten.