the WTBTS is indeed the hypocenter
love michelle
by Sol Reform 38 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
the WTBTS is indeed the hypocenter
love michelle
"Jehovah's Witnesses are the key target of the Great Tribulation."
In a sense, this is true. We will be the key target of Satan, especially the anointed.
But at one time or another during the GT, EVERYONE will become a target.
The only difference is that most JW's will survive whereas most everyone else will not.
dear a watcher...
Jesus said that He would keep His own from the GT. They are "sealed" against satanic attack.
love michelle
Who fears the Great Tribulation? Not Jehovah's Witnesses. We will be among the few that survive it..... A Watcher
Generations of JW`s died Parroting that same WBT$ Crap..
JW`s Peddle Watchtower Crap.. Take a Good Look at your..
Then they Die WBT$ JW Future..
You have the same Chance of Resurrection..
As all the other JW`s who have been Resurrected..
Now get your Lazy JW Ass back to Work..
Your not Doing Enough for the WBT$!!..
When the supposed worldy attack against religion is initiated and caused by the world being outraged by the sexual immorality of religion then I say let them have their prophetic fulfillment and let the debate begin about how, we, the world, should regulate and restrict the rights and undeserved privileges of them , the religious.
Michelle, the only ones who are in the GT as "sealed" ones are the anointed.
Satan will not be able to destroy their faith, but he may be able to attack them. Some of them may die as martyrs.
We don't know all the details of the GT. Get as close to Jehovah as you can NOW and hope for the best.
"Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur, and in standing before the Son of man." (Luke 21:36)
Satan will not be able to destroy their faith, but he may be able to attack them. Some of them may die as martyrs.
I thought the latest was that all anointed will be in heaven when the GT hits. So does Satan have access again in heaven
Who fears the Great Tribulation? I don't and I'm not a witness. Not Jehovah's Witnesses. Oh yes they do, because they are told over and over they have no guarantee of surviving. We will be among the few that survive it. Doubt that because its not going to happen. |
My dub mother is complaining about stinkbugs infesting her house.
That could be the start of the Great Trib.
Stinkbugs are truly evil bugs.
Clergy pedo scandals = imminent slaughter of billions, at the hands of supernatural beings. Sure, why not?