the anointed will be in heaven before ARMAGEDDON starts.
It's possible that the 144,000 will be all gone from earth, especially if it is literally true that they are all martyred as Rev 20:4 suggests. But "the anointed" represent all Christians. The only Scriptures that mention 'anointing' of Christians assume that all Christians are (2 Cor 1:21; 1 Jn 2:20, 27). In the NT, being 'anointed' is associated with witnessing (Luke 4:18; Acts 1:8 and learning/having knowledge. (2 Cor 1:21; 1 Jn 2:20, 27; And, incidentally, the phrase "the anointed" never occurs in the NT, although I can see where it would be appropo to refer to "Christians" as "the anointed." Both terms are synonymous.)
No where is there any mention of 'non-anointed' Christians. The only mention of ones claiming to be Christians who are not anointed is in 1 John when John speaks of "many antichrists" who "went out from us but were not of our sort" (vv. 18-19) These are placed in contrast to those in verse 20 who "have an anointing." (The "And" [Greek kai] that begins vs. 20 can also be adversative in nature, having the force of english "but" as some translations translate it here. This sets up a contrast between the "many antichrists" and "you" who "have an anointing.")
As Galatians 3:14 points out, 'the promised spirit is recieved thru our faith.' The context contrasts 'those who have faith in Christ' with those who 'depend on works of law,' not with 'others who also have faith in Christ.'
Armageddon is the 3rd and last part of the GT.
I see this regularly, so not picking on you. But, Armageddon is a "place" (symbolic or literal - either way still a "place"). And according to the flow of Rev. chap 16 (vv. 16-21) it is 'arrived at' (v. 16) shortly before the "great earthquake" (vv.18-21) takes place. This arrival at Armageddon appears, in fact (based on this context), to prompt God to say "It is done." (v. 17) So in that sense, the 'arrival' of 'the kings of the entire inhabited earth' at Armageddon could be said to spark the great tribulation (assuming you hold to the idea that the great tribulation = the great earthquake of Rev 16:18).
Incidentally, the Rev Climax book (pp. 232-3, pars. 32-3 seems to acknowledge this order (Arrival at world situation called Armageddon [v.16], followed by outpouring of 7th bowl of God's anger [v.17]). But most (if not nearly all JWs) view "Armageddon" as the last part of the great tribulation (so you also above). As the order of Rev chapter 16 presents it, all the events related to the great earthquake (16:18-21) occur at Armageddon. Thus, it could be said that, 'the great city being split into three,' the 'falling of the cities of the nations,' and 'Babylon's being handed God's cup of wrath,' all these 'events' (v. 19) happen at Armageddon.
There is a battle/war fought after these events (v.20-1; compare Rev 19:11-20 which follows destruction of Babylon). So it could properly be called 'the war (or battle) of Armageddon.' (It is called a war - properly so because it settles some issue with finality. But it is also technically a 'battle' due to the fact that it represents a single engagement.)
Take Care