New Explanation On United Nations Membership From Circuit Overseer.

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • minimus

    Everybody knows they never joined the UN. Joined is not accurate.

  • Wholly

    It grieves my soul to know these good hearted people choose to be so fully deceived.

  • lisaBObeesa

    How do I destroy this nonsense,

    "SO it the WT DID join with the Wild Beast?? To use the library???? (pause to think) Wow. I never thought they would compromise like that. Wow. (pause) For a library?? and some human rights protections?


    I thought JWs would never compromise, no matter what persecution they faced. (pause to think)

    This changes everything.

    I really didn't think it was true...."

    And then just walk slowly away in a state of sad shock...

  • Scott77

    Its noteworthy that the C.O in this instance, is fully aware of what happened. Perhaps this gives idea or clue that at least a sizeable part of Watchtower leadership have full knowledge to this UN membership issue.


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    We know where they stand, that's the official position the COs are told! With JWN and the Internet there's no hiding from the fact they joined the UN and use Satan's tools of A.I. and U.N.I.C.E.F. and other human rights groups. I would like to add this other point, when you are talking with a elder or Co about this topic, their "Apostate Radar" is going to start screaming! The typical response is not like this CO, others I asked lied and said they never joined United Nations, "they just singed the Guest Book? WTH?

    JWs enjoy the freedom to practice their religion and speak their mind in the Field and Kingdom Halls yet they attack their own members for the same liberties they cherish. They are Hypocrites, not the rank-and-file or elders! The basic JW and Elder has no idea of what is going on behind closed Bethel-Doors, I think the WTS has been riding on her Mother's shoulders (The Harlot, Babylon the Great) and really think since they are not touching the Wild Beast (Legs and Arms), they are not riding the Wild Beast!

    Some advice, when you are going to ask these questions you have to act ignorant and feign if these questions were answered in a coherent and honest manner, you would be back in a heart-beat! Just my humble opinion!

  • Listener

    He has given a reason for their joining and most people that have done something wrong will have some reason or excuse -

    "The Watchtower joined the United Nations only to use their library." They also joined the United Nations so they could have access to all their real-time human rights rules and regulationsand to get the United Nations to help the brothers in countries like Eritrea and other unstable countries the United Nations could make more hospitablef or the Brotherhood!"

    This does not make it right and the question to him would be to ask whether joining was right and how would God have viewed their actions.

  • blondie

    minimus is right, the WTS cannot join the UN, it is not a sovereign state, a country, a nation. But it can become a non-governmental organization (NGO) and be ASSOCIATED with the UN. Which is what it did.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "Everybody knows they never joined the UN. Joined is not accurate."

    If an active JW sat in on Sunday worship at the local Catholic Church, would it matter one iota to the Elders whether that JW "joined" the Catholic Church or not?

    What if the JW said he only went to the Catholic Church to use their library, nothing more? Would the Elders let the JW off the hook because he hadn't actually "joined" as a member of the church? No!

    The Elders would conclude the JW violated his "Christian neutrality" simply by entering the church and/or using their resources for his own benefit.

    Whether the Watchtower actually joined the UN as a member, by WT's own standard, is irrelevent. They are guilty for having ANY association with the UN in any capacity.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “How do I destroy this nonsense…?”


    You can destroy that nonsense with Watchtower’s admission of willfully engaging in “bad association”.

    See: Watchtower and The Drunkard available at:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Terry

    The Watchtower didn't have intercourse with the U.N. they only "felt it up".

    They smoked the U.N. doobie but they "didn't inhale."

    Besides, whomever was using the U.N. library had King's X and their fingers crossed the whole time they were in there!

    I'm glad they aren't using feeble adolescent excuses for themselves!

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