Wow, I remember this thread.
In fact, I'd like to add to my initial comment I made a year ago on the previous page...
...thinking back, I realize now that another reason I was relieved at the "extension" the generation change of '95 gave us was because, due to my Dad's tutelage, I had become somewhat of an armchair scholar of WT eschatology.
I knew Fred Franz' End-Times script backwards and forwards, and I had a passing awareness of contemporary geopolitics...
...there were a number of significant "real-world" milestones that were supposed to take place in the WT's prophetic sequence of events that I knew couldn't realistically happen overnight, and it seemed like the farther we got from 1914, the less time we'd have for all the steps in that sequence to take place before the end of the century.
The '95 generation change, to me, bought us the breathing room needed for the script to still play out the way it was supposed to (and allowed me to continue convincing myself that the WTS would still, in the end, be "right").
In retrospect, it has occured to me that even back then, I was unconcsiously trying to fit the square peg of WT beliefs into the round hole of mundane reality.