Or the 2000's generation thing?
How did you feel? How did it help you wake up? What were others saying at the time? Do you know any who left over it?
by Julia Orwell 134 Replies latest jw experiences
Or the 2000's generation thing?
How did you feel? How did it help you wake up? What were others saying at the time? Do you know any who left over it?
The 1995 'generation' change was a big deal locally. The last straw for some includig myself. I vowed I would spend the coming new century a different person and planned my exit in 1999.
Yep me.
Saw the flaw in the reasoning behind the '95 generation change. Was another 4 years before I got directed to Crisis of Conscience and then everything here and at Freeminds. It was the Generation change that opened my eyes though and the rest was confirmation.
When the WT came out I asked the elders about it. They came to my place and basically said there has been no change and if you keep saying there has been you will be charged with apostacy! When they left, I opened the JW CD and researched "generation". The scales literally fell off my eyes and I never went into a KH again. My wife of the time lasted a meeting or two and stopped as well. I had a chuckle when I saw on this site yrs later that the WTS did a two page kind of apology. Idiots!
What apology was that?!
As I recall it was vague, brief and basically blamed the rank and file for reading generation wrong. That's a WT apology. LOL!
That I obviously missed
given that they oppose education and anyone thinking their attitude does not surprise me.
'A Wt. apology' should go under oxymoron.
It was what woke me up. I had started thinking in the 1990's that if the end had not come by 2014 they would have to change the generation teaching. When they did so in 1995 I was shocked at how early that chose to do so, and knew the Governing Body did not have faith in their own teachings.
Unfortunately, I was brainwashed enough to remain associated with the congregation for another 10 years, because of fear of leaving.