Is she gonna go by bycicle, or did she forget to TELL mommy to get HER bag properly filled, get the keys and lets go.
A New Video - Helping kids get ready for service
by sosoconfused 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well I could see it as a good corporate decision if they hoped to make a profit off of these little kids selling their literature out in field service, but since it is given free of charge and it is very unlikely to bring in profit from a free will donation. I mean they have a corporation to run and make grow and they are putting out this stuff? They are out of focus brain washed old guys running this corporation and don't have a sensible idea on how to capitalize on these youths instead they got them fishing after an activity that is causing the Corporation a loss in net gains, are they stupid or what?
May be a video on the whole family getting ready to go to a quick build, that would seemed to be a better mined area, and hopefully with all the neccesary corporation bylaws in place there by giving the Watchtower assets it can latter cash by selling and keeping the proceeds as the membership dwindles and funds become low due to their utter mismanagement of their CEO status while in a state of denial brought on be wishful thinking bible interpetations.
The wishful thinking Governing Body are making massive corporation blunders because they are in denial so heavily they are almost blind and it is a case of the blind leading the blind. That 'Do More Field Service and Everything Will Turn Out Better' meme is a bitch and causeing the Governing Body problems with this type of magical thinking going on.
Sophia could've lightened her bag substantially by leaving her Bible at home. It's not like she's actually going to use it.
I loved the very end when they flash the logo..... brand recognition. It's straight out of MADMEN ( pun intended ).
This vid is far better.
Uggh, Too much for me! I have to admit though, it was pretty slick.
I just noticed the video projector in the hall hanging from the ceiling when the wife coerced me to go recently. I feel something bad comes our way.
Why would you need more than the bible to go out in service?
Why would you need more than the bible to go out in service?
What would a JW do without a WT publication to present?
Going out with just a Bible is not looked on in a favorable way by WT. Ray Franz alludes to this in ISOCF. Reports got back to Brooklyn that some JWs were going door-to-door with only their Bible. This upset the GB. They stated that a JW's primary goal is placing literature, not Bible education, and that trend (Bible only) must be stopped immediately.
It's important to have a pen with a butterfly on it!