Lois - I so hear you on this. I remember at school, final exams, did a bit of studying, would take bio-plus and pray "Jehovah please help me to recall all that I have learnt so that I can pass my exams" - I would pass. Actually passed with a high exemption - which means I qualified to study at university....I didn't study any further as it wasn't encouraged.
I prayed so many times for help, for guidance, for something. When I didn't get an answer I would think I was being tested or that I had to be patient. Still waiting .... haven't heard a peep from this god.
I came to the conclusion of much reading, opening my mind a bit more that there is no god that makes / blesses anything. It is us, our own doing. We are our own "god" if you will. There is no being out there that bestows good on one and not another - that just wouldn't be a fair and just god.