Another Jehovah-Witness-supportive documentary

by A.M. Number 1 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • A.M. Number 1
    A.M. Number 1

    Haven't seen it. I might see it though. I am not sure. Just its existence makes me mad though, so I don't know if I could contain my rage. It might just be too much for me to handle. The idea that there is a 107 year old JW out there, who in 107 years could not figure out what a scam it was just pisses me off. Igorance should not be rewarded with old age.

  • thecrushed

    nope it shouldn't! I'm with you!

  • TheOldHippie

    I sincerely feel that nobody should dare to make fun of Engleitner, it is not a stupid old guy not managing to see thru things, it is the oldest Holocaust survivor who has just died, who suffered immensely, was beaten and tortured but who survived the Nazi hell - and he is/was 100 times more a man than any of you stupid guys making fun of him. Whatever you feel about his faith, he as a person is/was more worth than all of you who make fun of him, combined.

  • LV101

    TOH -- oh, yes, I want to see this and heard/read about him. Will definitely checkout. Thanks for jogging memory.


  • tornapart

    TheOldHippy... Well said!

  • ssn587

    see if you don't agree with someone then the attacks and slurs begin, we don't have to agree with what others say and may find it foolish, but they still have the right to say it, that shouldn't give us a right to put people down just because we think what they say is stupid.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Engleitner witnessed Nazi atrocities and has now found comfort in his old age by sitting in a wheelchair as an almost silent Watchtoer shill.

    He ignores the towering falsity of The WATCHTOWER and the pedophile atrocities that The WATCHTOWER is perpetrating TODAY.

    Sorry, he's an old fool who doesn't deserve admiration or respect. Find a better hero.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    No fool like an old fool.

  • Weana

    @ AMNumber1, @ thecrushed, @ Nathan Natas, @ return of parakeet: I do understand that you are attacking a religious society. But I do not understand at all that you are attacking an endearing, upright, humble man!

    In the DailyNews article, Leopold Engleitner is cited: "One of the most important things to me is to teach people tolerance, humanity and peace" And that's true, he did not make blunt propaganda for Wachtower doctrines, but he sincerely tried to follow the Christ.

    You never meet him in person, I assume. Leopold Engleitner died three weeks ago. If God is Love, he has been rewarding Leopold Engleitner with life and glory in eternity.

  • Nathan Natas

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