Giving someone strawberries is not necessary family business. It's an act of kindness.
Remember when the Jewish leaders brought the adulterous woman before Jesus? Did He give her strawberries? No, He shunned her, and He told them to stone her! (Well, He said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," but we KNOW what He meant.) Some in Christendom have said that Jesus made it part of His mission to minister to sinners and tax collectors, but these uninspired comments did not come from the Governing Body. Take your strawberries to the elders. Why should the unrepentant and faithless enjoy the fruit of Jehovah?
Besides, since she won't be resurrected, she won't need the memories of the sweetness and joy of Jehovah's bounty.
Now if this sounds like the doctrine of Christ, then it doesn't matter what you do with the strawberries. You've got bigger problems. This whole shunning thing is primarily a practice associated with your more backward sects...snake handlers, mountain non-denominational and, of course, the Westboro Baptists. It doesn't happen in the Catholic faith, the Eastern Orthodox, Methodists, Lutherans, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, Anglican, Presbyterian and, well, you get the gist. Why is it that only one manmade religion out of many are able to discover this strange doctrine? Better that cows were running the Universe!