Oh, wise one, answer me THIS!

by stillin 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Giving someone strawberries is not necessary family business. It's an act of kindness.

    Remember when the Jewish leaders brought the adulterous woman before Jesus? Did He give her strawberries? No, He shunned her, and He told them to stone her! (Well, He said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," but we KNOW what He meant.) Some in Christendom have said that Jesus made it part of His mission to minister to sinners and tax collectors, but these uninspired comments did not come from the Governing Body. Take your strawberries to the elders. Why should the unrepentant and faithless enjoy the fruit of Jehovah?

    Besides, since she won't be resurrected, she won't need the memories of the sweetness and joy of Jehovah's bounty.

    Now if this sounds like the doctrine of Christ, then it doesn't matter what you do with the strawberries. You've got bigger problems. This whole shunning thing is primarily a practice associated with your more backward sects...snake handlers, mountain non-denominational and, of course, the Westboro Baptists. It doesn't happen in the Catholic faith, the Eastern Orthodox, Methodists, Lutherans, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, Anglican, Presbyterian and, well, you get the gist. Why is it that only one manmade religion out of many are able to discover this strange doctrine? Better that cows were running the Universe!

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    I have given the strawberries to my daughter. With my love. She likes 'em.

    I think it's also necessary family business to give shortcake and whipped cream to your daughter to go with the strawberries.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Your daughter is definitely family.

    If YOU feel it is necessary, then it is "necessary family business".

    It's your decision (according to the WTS Service Dept).

    Hope she & the kids enjoy the strawberries!


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    stilin: Most elders are not following the radical views held by Caiphas and his leaders in Bethel, so feel free to drop off those Mt Hood Strawberries and enjoy your time with your grandkids!

  • stillin

    Thanks, everybody, for your thoughts. My conscience is clear on the matter. The COBOE in my cong has a DF'd son. Every so often the elder or his wife will make a comment about how they have nothing to do with him anymore and it makes me sad. I told him during the period of his judicial hearings that'll matter what, if he ever wanted to just talk, I would always be there. He said that he really appreciated it. But the pressure in this particular cong is ratcheted up a little, I think.

    I have no doubts, myself. :)

  • Pistoff

    "Actually I remember our douche bag CO giving a talk once similar to this. He said "I have a beautiful example for you. I know of a brother whose father was disfellowshipped. Unfortunately, this dear brother's sibling was killed in a car wreck and of course the funeral was going to be planned and paid for by the parents. Well, our dear brother was helping out with the arrangements and he called to talk to his mother. His father picked up the phone. Our dear brother asked to speak with his mother. The father said "you know....I am still your dad. And even though I am disfellowshipped, you can still talk to me about necessary family business". Our dear brother said "Yes dad I know that. But I can also talk to mom about it. Please put her on the phone". Isn't that a wonderful example of upholding Jehovah's righteous requirements?""

    This is the kind of thing that will send 'good' witnesses out the door, the thinkers.

    What an idiot that CO is.

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