10 Hottest Issues about Jehovah's Witnesses-Your Opinion Please

by raymond frantz 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Hi guys ,I'm currently updating my website (www.new-jw.org) and would like to build a page with the 10 hottest issues about Jehovah's Witnesses .I'm still a believer therefore I would like to concetrate most on doctrines and less on policies. I build a list below, please tell me what you think ,your feedback is much appreciated :

    1. United Nations Affiliation
    2. Baptised in the name of an organization
    3. Memorial ,Jesus' sacrifice denial meal
    4. Blood
    5. Idolization of the Governing Body
    6. 1914
    7. Pedophilia cases
    8. Jesus is not your mediator
    9. Harsh Disfellowshiping policy
    10. Counter productive witnessing of the good news
  • 5go

    1 No blood but blood products OK

    2 pedophiles

    3 failed predictions

    4 disfellowshipping

    5 field service

    6 money

    7 fasination with old testiment rules ignoring the new testiment

    8 not taking care of the poor no charity

    9 new light

    10 old light

  • 5go

    change 6 to money, education, and worldy things in general

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Shunning needs to be included with disfellowshipping on your list.

  • 5go

    Winkle to me they are one and the same but I should of added disasociation as it hard to tell someone that being shunned by ones old faith is evil just to turn around and do it yourself to apostates.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    5go- You have a mighty fine list.

    I wasn't sure if you meant the doctrine of disfellowshipping and/or the result of being disfellowshipped=shunning.

    I thought about disassociation, but that's something one chooses for themself.

  • Crazyguy

    cows blood

  • talesin

    I wonder if 'diseased apostates' would be a strong enough topic. Just throwing it out there.


  • smiddy

    How about using deception when quoting sources, out of context, to prove their point .


  • 5go


    dissasociation = disfellowshipping = shunning

    It wasn't always the case, that changed in the 1980's. They used to be diffent things. You used to be able to leave without shunning being enforced.

    Also now they don't even bother anouncing a diffrence, it's just they are no longer JWs.

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