by steve2 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • villagegirl

    Religion encompasses many philosophies.

    Since JW's predicted the "Fall of babylon the Great" since the 60's

    Which JW books and Watchtowers described as the

    "World Empire of False Religion", instead of disappearing,

    as predicted, we saw the rise in America of the Mega-Church

    with congregations of thousands, and certainly no lack of Hindus,

    in India, The Sikhs are increasng in number, as are the Buddhists

    and China is seeing a religious renewal in all religions as did Russia

    when communism died there. American money still says In God We Trust.

    The Queen is still head of the Anglican Church. If you want to know the

    future read the Watchtower, except expect the exact opposite of whatever

    they predict, they have never predicted ONE thing accurately.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    I wonder what the numbers are for people who have left/leaving vs new ones? Increased numbers really wouldn't be authenic.

    I'm guessing the only thing holding the WTS together is the newer ones not familiar with WTS history. If the increase is limited to these new ones I see near future erosion. Older ones are dying off and their families are realizing the end has not arrived.

    Also, if doctrine continues to change I see further decline. Just from JWN Generation doctrine threads many have left.

    The internet has also brought decline and will continue to do so. Many are learning TTATT.

    Donations have declined. It seems WTS investments and real estate is keeping them a float.

    Continued huge child molestation lawsuits/payouts is more money siphoned.

    Other continued lawsuits. More money siphoned.

    Other religions are growing with attractive doctrines. Reincarnation. RCC/50 Hail Marys. Just believe in the Lord and you will be saved. WTS offers an end times dead line.

  • Phizzy

    I too would love to see the demise of the WT, at least in my lifetime ,if not that of my smug JW relatives, now quite elderly, who are convinced I have made the wrong choice in leaving.

    I do not think I will live to see the end of the WT, I think in reality all I can hope for is to see a WT in serious decline that even registers on the hard-core JW, who of course will mis-interpret what is happening.

    The only thing that may hasten the end of the main organization is the fact that it is a business, but it isn't run by top business brains.

    They survive because of claiming to be a religious charity, and because of all the free labour etc that makes their property arm very profitable.

    Should they lose their fraudulent charitable status in many countries their business model would be under extreme pressure. Add to this a dwindling number willing and able to give their services for free and more pressure comes upon them.

    I think if the main core of the Org. were to implode that Congregations would soldier on as autonomous entities and slowly fade away, like the Christadelphians.

  • nightvision

    I raised the issue of reducing numbers recently with a JW relative , his response was 'im not concerned , in fact reducing numbers only confirms prophecy regarding the last days ' the love of the greater number will cool off ' therefore within 'gods organization' this is to be expected .

    Typical jw thinking ie bad news is also somehow goodnews

  • steve2

    Good point nightvision. JWs don't need to think about anything disturbing because they have an answer that complacently explains everything. Of course, they deplore this sort of complacency in other religious groups, but refuse to see they themselves exhibit the same smugness. Smugness "protects" religious people from possible embarrassment over being wrong - while JWs goose-step when the GB informs them a previous understanding is now seen as needing "adjustment" they are too proud-minded to view anthing non-witnesses say as being correct or even plausible.

  • slimboyfat

    Steve I think it was 2011 when the memorial was held on a Sunday. Hence the 2012 figure shrank by comparison when the memorial was held on a weekday. The 2013 figure has not been released yet, but is likely to be a significant increase in my view.

    Japan, the Netherlands and Denmark are about the only good examples of real long term decline. Even in those instances the decline is pretty minimal. Other countries like New Zealand, Australia, Britain, Spain and so on have the odd negative year, but over the longer term of the past ten years or so they are still increasing.

    So it is simply premature to talk about a "continuing decrease" in publishers, and postulating on that faulty basis. As yet publisher numbers are still increasing in most countries, even in the western world.

    Baptisms are down, hours are down, the increases are getting smaller. All that is true. But despite all that are JWs decreasing yet? No. In fact compared with most other churches that claim to be Christian, their numbers in the western world continue to be extraordinarily positive.

    And Jeffro, worldwide JWs are still increasing faster than the general population.

  • Jeffro
    And Jeffro, worldwide JWs are still increasing faster than the general population.

    Decreases in growth rates in developed nations are offset by growth in third-world countries (get some members in a few countries where it's typical to have 8 or 9 kids, and boom, a JW factory), but this kind of growth is not sustainable. I think it is the 'beginning of the end' (since about the late 90s) for the JW religion, but 'the end' will go on for a long while yet. 2014 will be a catalyst for many JWs psychologically; apart from that it, it will probably be 15-20 years before significant declines in numbers. But even with a significantly diminised membership, the religion will probably go on in some form for much longer.

  • slimboyfat

    In the United States, and many other western countries, JWs are growing faster than the general population.

  • Jeffro
    In the United States, and many other western countries, JWs are growing faster than the general population.

    'Many' western countries' isn't actually accurate. In most western countries, there has been a decline in actual JW growth and a decrease in the proportion of JWs to the rest of the population.

    The United States, as the home of both the JW religion and a long tradition of Bible-thumping (and opposition to atheism), is not really representative of the rest of the developed world.

  • slimboyfat

    Give a time frame and let's see. Are we talking over the last 5, 10, 15 years or what?

    That JWs are still growing is a feat in itself, when compared with the vast majority if churches that have been declining precipitously.

    Since the 1970s church attendance in England has declined by something like a half. And JWs have almost doubled. That is a dramatic divergence in fortunes. Most other churches would love to be just standing still, never mind still posting modest growth like JWs.

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