If man evolved?

by tornapart 427 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    GoodGuyGreg, I accept your correction.

    James Brown, candidates for elements to be found "out there", how about dark matter and short-lived heavy elements?

    In your opinion, what would be a decent level of exploration of space? Though we can't reach the stars, we sure are looking? What of the results of the Hubble telescope?

  • Satanus

    Oh no, not a sitchenite. JB, those guys you listed are all psuedocholars. If you can't figure that out, i'm not explaining it. There have been some threads on sitchen.


  • Qcmbr

    If we had no religious texts (written by ancient civilisations who knew very little) we would never look at the evidence and suggest a young earth:

    When was the last time we had a magnetic flip? The magnetic compass has been in use since about 200 B.C. Since then it's resolutely pointed North. When molten rock cools magnetite nodules record the magnetic orientation of the earth's field. The number of recorded flips measured by bands of alternating N/S magnetite alignment is in the hundreds. Had the earth's magnetic field flipped every decade or so this would fit the young earth model. We know that this isn't the case and the magnetic flips seems a very slow process. The evidence is simple, the earth is ancient.


  • cofty
    The evidence is compiled in the 10 or so books of Zechariah Sitchin. Also Michael Tillingers Slave Species of God and Von Danikens "Chariots of the Gods"

    No it isn't. google "Von Daniken exposed".

    Isn't it odd you stubbornly reject solid evidence from multiple scientific source,s and yet you uncritically accept any bullshit from fraudsters like Hovind and Von Daniken?

    Please comment on Qcmbr's point above on magnetic polarity.

  • Satanus

    'Isn't it odd you stubbornly reject solid evidence from multiple scientific source,s and yet you uncritically accept any bullshit from fraudsters like Hovind and Von Daniken?'

    That just what i was thinking. And sitchen.


  • Comatose

    The disbelievers will stop at nothing to lie about and slander true scientists and fearless whistleblowers like Von Daniken and Sitchens. Of course they made a website to discredit them. They will lose their government grant money when the truth comes out! Plus the truth would destroy the status quo. The gubbernment is trying to make Daniken and Sitchens appear to be quacks. But, if you look hard enough it is truths they tell us.

    By the way, has anyone seen ancient aliens?

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I have read all of Sitchens books, You have spent 5 minutes reading a website discrediting him.

    We cant even have a discussion.

  • Satanus

    'By the way, has anyone seen ancient aliens?'

    Its me.


  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I didn't come here to debate Sitchin. I am just pointing out there are other explanations.

    I came here to point out that radiometric dating doesn't work

    and I can see no one satisfactorily rebutting me.

    So I am satisfied.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury


    How do you think they know what stars are made of? Do they need to go there and take a sample?

    The confirmation bias is strong with this one...

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