This weekend i spent time with a friend that i haven't seen since high school,that would be 22 years.He grew up the same way i did being a born in.He and i both received our share of beatings related to the wt org coming to the hall without a song book not getting a comment low hours in field service etc....Where we differ is the fact that his stepdad was beating him with his fist i got the belt or a stick.He would come to school with black eyes due to his infractions with the hall.After we left schoo we lost touch since he was still living at home an going to the meetings and i wasn't, kicked out at 17 so that ending my time with the org.He stayed at home until 21 still getting his fair share of beatings due to any sort of failing that had to do with the org.He left after one beating and joined the marines,he was dfed.While in the marines he told me he asked an got sniper training becoming a deadly shot,he also told me he always volunteered for the most dangerous missions.I can see that he was doing this to escape the pain of his upbringing even to his subconscious mind secrectly hoping to die on one of these missions.He tells me he has some sort of nerve disability that will progress until he cant walk,he has hearing loss due to a grenade going off by his head'he knows one day he will be in a wheelchair disabled it's only a matter of time.He hasn't spoke to his mother and his family in over 20 years they care nothing about him not even returning the calls he leaves on there answering machine,he told me he calls once a month for the past 20 years.Sitting here at my house he says out of the clear blue you know i've thought a lot about going to brooklyn and with the skills i have i could do a lot of damage to those men that have ruined my life.I talked him out of it i think,i told him about this site where he could come to vent,because i think he needs to vent badly.I don't know what will happen to him when he is told his quality of life will get worse and if he will revisit the idea of lashing out at what he thinks has ruin his life,i don't know what he will do and even though i think i talked him out of doing anything,can i really say i blame him.I'm in the same boat my family is fractured broken all because of some men,men in brooklyn that hold more control over my family than i can,i wonder do thay ever think about the countless people that they affect with there shunning methods how many broken families they leave in there wake.I will say one thing there are many others out there that think the way my friend does i feel it's only a matter of time before karma comes a knocking.
The watchtower is making some dangerous enemies
by 20yearfader 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You reap what you sow. That is a undeniable truth. Helping your friend is the most important thing.
I'm glad your friend has someone to vent to. Many folks say things like that and don't mean it. They are just angry . You can help him by being a friend and perhaps helping him get to the VA for some conuseling. Hope he joins us here.
It's so hard to understand the person who can choose an ideology over their own children. Maybe some are attracted to this idea. That's why they join in the first place... Then they can give their ultimate allegiance to a god they cannot see, touch or talk to instead of having to reallly love an actual human.
As far as the GB getting smoked, I don't wish for that, but if it happened I wouldn't be shocked or saddened. The utter lack of humanity these men have demonstrated is reason enough for anyone to hate them.
Well I hope your friend doesn't do anything as drastic as implied.
Never-the-less I feel it is just a matter of time before the Governing Body with their cruel disfellowshipping practice for those that leave or no longer beleive puts themselves in harms way. One of these days they are going to DF the wrong person who feels he has nothing left to loose and goes gunning for them. They have been lucky so far, but when you play this dangerous game with people lives and you leave them feeling hopeless with nothing left to loose but seek revenge, all it takes one such person's buttons to be pushed who has a death wish and the right skills.
The Governing Body is playing with fire it is just a matter of time, the more disfellowshipping the greater the odds for this happening. It's no doubt the reason for the move of headquarters into the country where the GB feel more secure. I expect the GB are not totally ignorant of the danger and the move upstate is an effort to give them more security as they hunker down and continue their hardline policies. The crueler they get in treating those that leave and the increased frequency of DFings the more certain and bigger the repercussion IMO.
PS: When I first found out 12 years ago that I was in a cult and they were going to Df me for speaking the truth and I was going to loose a major portion of my immediate family and loss of all friends, I was seriously concidering a plan of action to get revenge, but reason and the prospect of starting a new life and finding my true self stopped me, but there was a time in those first few months that I was seriously considering the idea of revenge. Once my anger calmed down and I had time enough to consider other options I was glad I didn't follow my primitive instincts for revenge.
Oppression leads to Revolution.
When someone feels they have nothing to lose, that person can be quite the catalyst of events.
I think if this person decided to eliminate the GB, it would only serve to validate the Witnesses persecution belief. Maybe it would be the beginning of a Revolution of sorts. Efforts to legally remove the Watchtower's destructiveness is where people's energies need to be focused.
mind blown
I'm actually surpised it hasn't happened yet......
As I recall from my brief experinces at international conventions, GB members travel with "attendants" who are typically built like linebackers. They are de facto bodyguards. But I wonder how dedicated they are to their cause - something tells me they aren't as intensely trained as secret service agents on the presidential detail.
There have been some very rare instances of attempted violence at Kingdom Halls - the bomb in the Australia KH 20+ years ago being the most famous to date.
But yeah, at some point someone is likely going to snap and cause a lot of problems at a Kingdom Hall or an Assembly Hall.
20yearfader ... it's only a matter of time before karma comes a knocking.
Karma, she's a bitch!
Linebackers can't stop bullets.