Also we must look at the type of Deity the Governing Body worship, and whole heartedly endorse: Jehovah, now Jehovah is the type of deity that requires "exclusive devotion" and gets extremely jealous of other gods, even if they are just made of wood overlaid with gold or idols. He also promises to bring an end to the world and only a few JWs are gonna make it alive through the wholesale slaughter, and at the same time this is to be done LOVINGLY for the good of mankind(that worship exclusively him) because if he didn't it's assumed the human race just wipe itself out in the future because they don't follow jehovah and this world(all the governments) are under Satan's control.
And the Governing Body have repeatedly brought out Jehovah the deity they worship will be acting in complete harmony with LOVE when he destroys all who don't worship him or never heard of him. They are some twisted fucks for beleiving this and teaching this, and so all that except these teachings of the Governing Body get twisted in their thinking as well, so it should come as no surprise that they would beleive beating the crap out of their children to keep them listening and paying attention is showing them tough LOVE, all because they have accepted that "God Is Love" as taught by the Governing Body. Not every parent would do this some natural parenting skills will keep them in check while others because of this mental distorted view of LOVE will take it to the limit to going so far as to litterally beat the child to dead. I look at much of the teachings of the Governing Body as "mental viruses" some people show minor severe symtoms, some minor or none.