Cancer Research Worthless?

by metatron 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    A surprizing and shocking report, if true. Tends to confirm some of my biases about how medical research is grossly distorted.


  • talesin

    metatron - I'm sure you are aware of the studies done in Alberta, and the controversy around that. Please forgive, I haven't read the article you posted, I am very tired tonight. It is my feeling, though, that some effective cancer treatments have been found, and suppressed, because they are not profitable. And, in my opinion, the story of the researcher from Alberta, is one more proof that my gut instincts are correct.\

    You may also want to check out a documentary by a Canadian investigative reporter, Wendy Mesley. She is a breast cancer survivor, and was dismayed at some of the things she learned while going through treatment. Her documentary is called "Chasing the Cancer Answer". Here's a link - and you should be able to watch the doc.



  • talesin

    Addendum: This documentary has a lot to say about the CANCER SOCIETY,,, it is not my intent to promote naturopathy over chemicals or surgery - I feel BOTH have their place in healing.

    It's just important to me, that we are well-informed and are aware of the scams being pulled off ,,,, in the name of 'healing' ... there is no black-and-white in life, only grey. All doctors/researchers are NOT ethical. If you doubt that, just google "Paxil Scandal" ........ a local researcher was involved in this, so I have done a lot of research on it ---------- not ALL medical research is done for the benefit of the public good .......... Big Pharma is greedy, and has a lot of control over the medical profession .... just as with politicians, we need to be vigilant with the medical profession, and 'hold their feet to the fire'.



  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Cancer Research Worthless?”

    No. Not according to authors behind the very research paper your post references.

    “There are many examples of outstanding research that has been rapidly and reliably translated into clinical benefit. In 2011, several new cancer drugs were approved, built on robust preclinical data. However, the inability of industry and clinical trials to validate results from the majority of publications on potential therapeutic targets suggests a general, systemic problem.”—(Begley and Ellis:

    To the above, I’ll add my preference that scientists publish findings based even on single cell lines or models rather than keeping research to themselves, so long as they make clear this is what they’ve done. No decent clinician would consider using such findings on patients but every scientist would appreciate knowing the information.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • metatron

    I think you may be talking about dichloroacetate. I noticed that the FDA seemed to jump on this breakthrough immediately to stop people from trying it - even before they knew if it worked or not. Disgusting.....

    And there's Vermox. And Seaweed extracts. And Soursop derivatives. And Cannabis oil And more.

    I'm currently struggling to understand an aspect of evil I've never encountered or believed in before. Is it possible, just possible that there has been some kind of mental matrix or system of control that goes well beyond simple suppression?

    Who would say, 'dump that promising cure, screw the sufferers'? Are the elite safe from cancer themselves? How does this happen?

    Who would fallify positive results in a 'Cold Fusion' test at MIT, knowing what the implications were? (exposed by Gene Mallove). Who at the FBI decided to lie, 'we don't know the Boston bombers'?

    I'm not sure anymore. Do psychopaths end up in positions of authority everywhere? We seem to be living in an era of enormous exposure and perhaps this will lead to some huge step in human evolution. If it doesn't, we're in big trouble.


  • metatron

    I was very disturbed by the study's conclusion that a huge number of results were not reproducible.


  • talesin

    I'm not sure anymore. Do psychopaths end up in positions of authority everywhere? We seem to be living in an era of enormous exposure and perhaps this will lead to some huge step in human evolution. If it doesn't, we're in big trouble.


    Agreed. And I do believe that sociopaths are in position of authority (or I prefer to say "CONTROL" as they are not authoritative in the true sense).

    EDITED out of respect for an elder person, who has done a GREAT deal of work to help exJWs. *nods to MS*



  • talesin

    I was very disturbed by the study's conclusion that a huge number of results were not reproducible.

    Yes, and it's very sad ....... it's all about the money, in the long run. There are many scientists and medical researchers who are desperately searching for cures. Unfortunately, getting that research to market requires the cooperation of Big Pharma. A lot of good research gets buried, and a lot of sloppy research gets approved by the FDA, and other regulatory agencies. Reference back to the Paxil scam, which was HUGE.



  • ilikecheese

    Big Pharma makes SOOO much money off of all of the cancer patients out there. It wouldn't really surprise me if they tried to suppress any healthier, cheaper, or less devastating treatments. Our world is run by corrupt people who are all about the buck. I've seen family members go through cancer, and the amount of money shelled out for drugs during the process is absolutely insane.

    One other thing that I find interesting is that tons of studies have shown that the birth control pill increases your risk of breast cancer. I've read stories about many doctors who want this to be more known, but you don't hear much about them in general. The go to answer for any issue in "lady land" is "go on the pill." Headaches during your cycle? Pill. Really bad cramping? Pill. Irregular? Pill. Heavier flow? Pill. Even if you're still in high school and not even thinking about sex at the moment, that's the answer. You ask if there's anything more natural, and the answer is always no.

    Thanks for that link, talesin! It was interesting.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer



    Psychopaths? What are you talking about?

    The subject you’re speaking to is of published research. The very fact of publication means the information is exposed to whoever wants to vet it, and for any reason.

    I don’t find it at all disturbing that specific results are not reproducible. So long as the work is not asserted beyond what its authors actually did then there’s something to learn from the presentation. If nothing else the data is available to spur more creative means and methods to defeat disease.

    Once upon a time ‘medicine men’ used cobwebs and fresh chicken blood to treat hemorrhaging wounds. What they did was not reproducible. Eventually, when it was learned why this therapeutic was not consistently reproducible, a whole new branch of medicine opened for treatment of an entire array of disease. Lots of lives have been saved as a result of so many medical physicians taking time to document their own methods and means, despite those methods not always being reproducible.

    Most of what’s been published in the last 100 years of science is failures! But from those failures science has learned, and learned.

    Marvin Shilmer

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