Found this to be very interesting.
I had been runnning questions around in my head, why did Abraham just up sticks and leave everything, just like that ?
Didn't make sense. Too many holes.
Book of Jasher tells the story.
by *lost* 28 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ur was consecrated to the worship of Sin, the Babylonian Moon god.
Haran was also Babylonian
Book of Yasher. (Gen 10v8-12) rooted in messiah.wordpress
Nimrod was King over all the lan at that time.
He and his magi/conjurors of Nimrod, came to dine at Terah's house on the night that Abraham was born to rejoice with him.
The the conjurors of Nimrod went out to behold the sky ( which was practicied by pagans to determine the future/destiny of a child.
And they saw a sign.
They saw one very large star come from the east and ran in the heavens.
They were astonished at this sight and they knew what it meant, but did not yet tell Nimrod.
The next morning, they counselled together and they thought it was best to tell the King what they saw.
This is their interpretation.
And when your servants went out from the house of Terah, to go to our respective homes to abide there for the night,
we lifted up our eyes to heaven, and we saw a great star coming form the east,
and the same star ran with great speed, and swallowed up 4 stars, from the 4 sides of the heavens.
And your servants were astonished at the sight which we saw, and were greatly terrified, and we made our judgement upon the sight,
and knew by our wisdom the proper interpretation of thereof, that this thing applies to the child that is born to Terah, who will grow up
and multiply greatly and become powerful, and kill all the kings of the earth, and inherit all their lands, he and his seed forever.
(Yasher 8v10,11)
This made Nimrod mad and he wanted the child killed. If Terah idi not hand over Abraham, that Terah would not have so much as a dog left in his house.
Terah swapped the child and he hid Abraham with his mother and nurse in a cave.
The King dashed the childs head, thinking it was Abraham
Ten years later ( Y9v5)
When Abram came out from the cave, he went to Noah and his son Shem, and he remained with them to learn the instruction of Yahweh and his ways,
and no man knew where Abram was and Abram served Noah and Shem his son for a long time.
I think in this case Lost, Wiki gives sufficient info which is quite trustworthy on this book as to its provenance.
The Bible is not inspired, not the word of god, so is to be approached with the same care as any ancient writings. Other books are referred to quite often by the Bible writers as proof of their own integrity, and quite often this is in patently fictional accounts as in the one Mp mentions in Joshua.
So, although extra-biblical books are of interest, and in some cases perhaps more authentic than Bible books, they are of only limited value in arriving at historical truth, whatever that is.
phizzy yes I agree
It is hard to sort the finer stuff. I am learning so much now, I have a greater understanding and mental picture than ever before. It's great, I'm loving every minute.
But we can get to grasp an understanding of the ancient world and how different things were back then.
Everyone has this idea it was a backwards world, it wasn't.
One thing that IS true, in this, is that abraham, the foundation of the 3 religions named for him, judaism, islam and christianity, was a babylonian. And so, those religions are babylonian, neobabylonian, in nature. The hatred of things babylonian, as a theme in the bible betrays a loud cognitive dissonence among the bibles composers. They deny their roots.
Satanus - which is what got me onto this particular path, now I am progressing, from the bottom up.
Like I say, It bugged my brain, why would he up and leave, there must be more to the story of Abraham than we know, to pad it out.
The story I found, as above, explains it in an acceptable setting.
If he went from a young age to live with Noah, and Shem, and Noah and shem were righteous, and Prophets(Patriarchs, whatever)
The he would of learned all about the True God, and the histroy. He was seperated from the pagan Canaan culture, and Nimrods influence at a young age.
Similarily with Moses, there must be more to the burning bush story.
It couldn't be, one day he went for a wslk, then, bam, burning bush, God etc. out of the blue, no I can't buy that story, it doesn't make sense, there has to be more to it.
As I say, what else is missing that we dont know but should know.
Lets not forget, the church burned people if they had a copy of the Bible.