Book Of Jasher: Nimrod, Terah, Abraham

by *lost* 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Abraham prob. moved b/c it was a nomadic culture with established trade centers. Ancient peoples travelled immense distances to trade. Native Americans had vast territories united by trading. Trade is essential to culture. It brings marriageable women. Abraham did not live in the same culture as King David, who prob. never existed. The Bible covers such a wide span of time.

  • mP


    goto or net it has online for you to see with rtanslations the oldest complete bible from the 4th century.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I don't need a complete Bible from the fourth century. There are much older copies of individual books that were canonized. I have many books contained extracanonical NT books. They were once hard to find but they are available for free on the Internet.

    I have academic books that outline the earliest and most complete manuscripts. Christianity was no longer fresh around 300. Theologies evolved. My desire is to see what the earliest Christianities believed. I want to see the earliest sources, not after people read theology into them at a later date.

    Perhaps I misunderstand your point.

    I am moving. Perhaps I will post when I am settled in so people can see. My hunch is that an Internet search will easily provide the info contained in my older books.

  • mP

    Well given the codex sin for example contains many extra books such as the book of enoch that shows they were different.

    Look at Origen and his apologies where he is trying to deny that Xianity is same as all the other pagan religions.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Indeed, I never noticed reference to extra Biblical sources in the Bible but it is not my regular gig. Scholars knew for certain that competing Christianities existed. It could be the Witness tone but I always found Paul arrogant and kvetching. His way was the only way. He constantly asserts his credentials as an apostle and his Jewish education. I wonder if he found it humiliating to cater to fishermen. Reading his comments, scholars knew for a certainty that other branches flourished. They could only give educated guesses, though, until the Gnostic Gospel find at Nag Hammadi.

    His letters are not mere statements of his version of Christianity. People were deliberately searching out the congregations he established and persuaded people that his vision was bunk. Paul then responds with fire. My guess is that Jewish Christians would not care much about God fearers among the Gentiles. Compared to modern Christians, Jews are insular to protect their culture. I suspect there were all sorts of gospels and apostolic writings.

    I would love to be able to read the books in the title. It would shed so much light on what we accept as Biblical. Perhaps these books were even ore important than our scriptures. When you compare how organizations change with time and study other culture, the Western view of the Bible as The Way Led by God is absurd. I stick with it because it is my original culture.

  • *lost*


  • humbled

    Thanks for keeping things fresh, lost. and for searching openly.

    The gospel of Mary is an earlier account than many of the canonical gospel by men. It is reflexively referred to as "heretical". But so am I by the FDS.

    Who is to say?

    Any words written that a committee of churchmen save and edit are suspect in my opinion.If a book was dropped and hidden from them for a few centuries--all to the good. Like that story of hiding Abraham from the murderers.

    Holy Spirit anyone?

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I thougt these lost texts were interesting also. The foreward in the book of these lost texts that I bought, says they were found in a clay jar, just like the ones found with the Dead Sea Scrolls, only buried in field in Egypt.

    Ethiopia also has most of these scrolls that were allegedly brought back from Israel by Queen Sheba when she visited King Solomon.

  • *lost*

    Ethiopia, is that near where, according to the Bible, they crossed the Red Sea, would explain the Ethiopians having such belief in God.

    I bet if we could get into the Vatican archives, we would find a treausure trove of stuff that has been kept hidden.

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