You're a clever one. You clearly have your stuff together. You know when to back off. You know how to be patient. This is awesome.
I think I've planted a seed!
by OneDayillBeFree 38 Replies latest jw experiences
Designer Stubble
Awsome. You have all the FACTS right and patiently wait until the right opportunity. You are a smart strategic person and I am proud of what you have been able to do.
Wow, you have exercised great restraint. I would have really struggled to do that as a young man, well done.
Fanbloodytastic ! Well done !
Slowly slowly catchee monkey. Baby steps are good.
Just keep on introducing some more as opportunity presents itself.
Watch out for flack from Dad's fellow elders if he discusses any of it with them.
Now that was a fruitfull family study!
Julia Orwell
OneDay, that was a fine piece of work.
Good advise about giving your father room and time to digest this new information. Think about the time it took for your own awakening.
Let us know how it develops!
Kool Jo
This is great news....would be so good if they become awaken about TTATT.
Kool Jo
This would be a great time to explain cognitive dissonance to them so that they do not allow themselves to get lulled back into sleep and forget about what they are learning.
Maybe if you had a way of showing them that people sometimes rely on Cognitive dissonance to make them FEEL better and forget about the evidence that piqued their interst and also you could talk about confirmnation bias to show them how when something like evidence rubs a person raw, so to speak, a person will look for evidence that backs up their previous belief instead of doing unbiased research.
Critical thinking skills would be the third thing to bring out about now.
Hope all goes well with their waking up.