I think I've planted a seed!

by OneDayillBeFree 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • outsmartthesystem

    "oh I read somewhere in an old watchtower that Russell used to be considered the faithful and discreet slave and that there wasnt a GB until the 70's!" To which my parents would just be like "oh really? I didnt know that."

    And your dad's a frickin elder! Amazing how much of their history even the top dogs are blissfully unaware of.

    And I agree w/ LG. You didnt' plant a seed. You planted a FIELD!

  • sillygirl2013

    THAT was an amazing read! I want to take ideas off the way you worked this through and see what I get!

    PS: reminds me of a time say 3-4 years ago when I was still "IN" more or less, and was reading that book that was just released then. Can't remember the name but it was something like "Proclaimers", but I might be wrong - it had a cover picture of 1st century men kneeling and looking toward the sky, the color scheme was different shades of brown. I suddenly blurted to mum who was sitting across on the other couch saying "Did you know that there were no worshippers of God since the end of the 1st century till the CT Russell came around?"

    Mum said: "Of course there were worshippers of God throughout history"

    Then I say but I just read this out of the new book.

    She says "oh". Pauses for a moment and then says she didn't know.

    Mum's a hardcore who's AP'd RP'd and everything P'd forever. She'd give her life for the cong.

    If I ever have a situation like that I'd think of probably maneuvering it like the OP. Such good knack he has, bless u!

  • Stubborn Disbeliever
    Stubborn Disbeliever

    Wow! That was an awesome read! I really hope they can wake up and not be swayed too much by the BS from the others. Great job!

  • jamiebowers

    I'm so happy for you! May I make a suggestion? Since your mom is not well, why not start FWN by reading some comforting scriptures to her and send her to bed early? Then you and your dad can research anything the two of you want....you on the internet and he with the Watch Tower publications. If your mom's problems are health related and may require a transfusion, the blood issue would be a good place to start.

  • Adiva

    Amazing. I had goosebumps reading your account.

    Great suggestions by everyone. I look forward to hearing more about this.


  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Very well done young one. Remember as a man myself, we tend to think more on the logical side of things, keep approaching your dad from the logical side of things, make his mind work logically. The "new lite" ( July 13) is a very good time to point out that this was apostate thinking 32 years ago, is it logical to think that God would now only make it New lite? or something like that.

    NE and I did the very same thing Monday night when 2 elders just showed up, we mentioned the new lite and mentioned that it was considered apostate thinking 32 years go, the one elder, cold fish. The other (My cousin by marriage) was interested in checking that out.

    Either way we're fried!!!

    Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind mo more, forever)

  • cofty

    You did a great job.

    Be patient, doubt has a slow burning fuse.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Goodness! This experience is encouraging. Great job!

  • Bob_NC

    AWESOME!! Your paragraphs read just like a convention drama. Family sits down for weekly study. Nothing happens at first. But THEN the discussion starts..... I'd love to see this in a convention program.

    Hold are you, if you don't mind saying?

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