The truth just ain't the same any more.

by Julia Orwell 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot
    designs - "The GB has caused more JWs to leave than any amount of picketers at Assemblies could ever do."

    At this point, I've concluded it's on purpose.

    They may be in an echo chamber at the top of the Tower, but even they must eventually see the way the wind is blowing, and it's a lot easier to maintain authority over, say, one or two million hard-core followers than it would be for six or seven million half-assed followers.

    I firmly believe they wanna get rid of the "lukewarm"; if I was a leader in an authoritarian high-control group experiencing what the WTS is going through these days, so would I.

  • BU2B

    I agree with all above. There are no more picnics, gatherings or anything else. They forbid kids to do extracurricular activities or have non JW friends and replace it with...... Nothing and no one. There is no real Joy that I can see anymore, just people going through the motions of FS, and Meetings twice a week, in hopes that they can still get that pet panda. Or even simply to keep their family and social circle intact. The only activities or fun I see are done within certain cliches at the KH, If you are not in them, you have no friends conditional or otherwise, if you obey the GB to have no outside friends.

    I feel the worst for the children. Growing up in the sterile environment of the KH with no friends and no fun

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    Message to the WTS regarding your control over your slaves:

    "The more you tighten your grip ... the more dubs will slip through your fingers."

    [apologies to "Star Wars"]

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Funny thing: My wife, NE, just said this same thing to 2 elders that showed up at our house Monday night UNANNOUNCED, [Sorry, we didn't have time to get our daughter's camera for this one]

    But she told them that being in since mid-60's, her entire life, that it's just not the same and things have changed around the early 80's. And it was difficult & traumatic going thru the 1975 fiasco. They both said what fiasco? I don't remember any significant pronouncements. Just like it was a programmed response. So she sent them the 1969 Awake that said young ones would not even have time to go to college and get a career because we only had a few years left!

    Brother of the Hawk {I will surrender my mind no more, forever]

  • Tylinbrando

    I am in contact with many elderly JWs and you are spot on. They are tired, disillusioned, frustrated and feel stuck.

  • slimboyfat

    Yeah, it's ever since they got rid of the book study groups.


    " When was the last time you saw any article on displaying the fruit of the spirit? (DC them of 1964)

    When was the last time any article encouraged you to develop more Christlike qualities? (Greatest Man book 1991)

    It has become a Loveless, Pharisee organization where RULES trump PRINCIPLES."

    When was the last time you saw a movie or drama about Jesus?! Doesn't that blow your mind if you have learned TTATT?! You would think the one channel of truth, the only TRUE CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION on the entire earth who have the ability and money to produce a good film, would make at least one film about Jesus. NOPE. No movie, no drama about Christ Jesus at conventions. Jehovah's spiritual feast does not include any dramas about the Son, the one given the name above any other by the Father.

    In the last 100 years or so, not even one drama or movie about Christ. You would think " true Christians " could handle that. They should be able to make the most accurate film concerning Christ ever made, after all, they have Christ's brothers, THE FDS, the greatest spiritual collective in all of human history to oversee the project. Let's not forget the Writing Dept. Their research is impeccable.

    There is no shortage of films about the Organization. That speaks volumes in my opinion.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Holy moly you're dead right! I never even thought about that, I mane ever other Christian group dedicates it performing arts and visual media to Jesus, from kids' nativity plays to movies on the life of Jesus. Mind blowing. Out of the heart's abundance the studio produces.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Holy moly you're dead right! I never even thought about that, I mane ever other Christian group dedicates it performing arts and visual media to Jesus, from kids' nativity plays to movies on the life of Jesus. Mind blowing. Out of the heart's abundance the studio produces.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think the organization had decent writers like Ray Franz back in the day. Even after him, many really cared. But they have become so distrusting of the rank-and-file since money started being a problem. Add in the GB's need for near worship and the result is having to prod the members at every turn. The ones who did things out of joy get tired of the prodding. Soon, they only do it to avoid counsel.

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