" When was the last time you saw any article on displaying the fruit of the spirit? (DC them of 1964)
When was the last time any article encouraged you to develop more Christlike qualities? (Greatest Man book 1991)
It has become a Loveless, Pharisee organization where RULES trump PRINCIPLES."
When was the last time you saw a movie or drama about Jesus?! Doesn't that blow your mind if you have learned TTATT?! You would think the one channel of truth, the only TRUE CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION on the entire earth who have the ability and money to produce a good film, would make at least one film about Jesus. NOPE. No movie, no drama about Christ Jesus at conventions. Jehovah's spiritual feast does not include any dramas about the Son, the one given the name above any other by the Father.
In the last 100 years or so, not even one drama or movie about Christ. You would think " true Christians " could handle that. They should be able to make the most accurate film concerning Christ ever made, after all, they have Christ's brothers, THE FDS, the greatest spiritual collective in all of human history to oversee the project. Let's not forget the Writing Dept. Their research is impeccable.
There is no shortage of films about the Organization. That speaks volumes in my opinion.