The JWs are as deluded and down-hearted as all the people in the world they damn as deluded and downhearted. They excel at being the Pot that calls the Kettle Black.
The truth just ain't the same any more.
by Julia Orwell 38 Replies latest jw friends
Julia Orwell
I think it's sad for them. One of the zillion things that helped me wake up was simply seeing that the big bad world was different to how the wt represents it. Took years for things to reach a head, self delusion being one of the reasons...*sigh*
darth frosty
My mother used to say: 'This great crowd aint running things like the annointed did!'
That was back in the 90's! Yeah they have broken the spirit of the R&F sooo much they cant even front like they enjoy meetings any more.
Had the wifes family over yesterday and her Motther and sister had just come from the new assembly hall/convention. Her sis was constantly talking about how the society is really 'beating it into them' and she KEPT making statements like that. These poor souls still left have been beaten and raked over the coals from the WT$. Fed gruel constantly and like Oliver twist Are forced to say please can I has some moar! SMDH!
The last Book Study group I attended would have coffee and cake or something else to eat after the meeting. Made it halfway nice to finish the pain of going through the Revelation Book. I bet they all miss the good ol days.
fresh prince of ohio
When i hopped on the JW nowhere train in 1992, quick builds were still come-one-come-all, congregation get-togethers happened with relative frequency, there was still a little of that old-style friendly JWism left. By the time I left in 2002, seemed like so much of that was fading fast. I can't even imagine what it's like now.
Julia Orwell
All the life has been choked out of it, Fresh Prince. I recall a social gathering I went to last year and there were a couple of primary school aged boys playing sword fights with sticks. What does a normal person do? "Hey boys, be careful with those sticks..." and let the kids play. What does one of the supervising elders do (a new elder, 30 years old) "Hmph, boys, that has a warlike tendency so don't do it!"
And I've heard similar sentimonies about the GB 'drumming it in...' etc - but the way the faithful see it, they're doing because the end is so close now, and they want the brothers to be saved because Satan's trying so much harder. Well, that tightening of control squeezed me just too hard in the end. Many people will find that. Every day now on this forum there's a newbie introducing him/herself. More are chafing because it's so unnatural.
This is an interesting topic. I was disfellowshipped at 19 and stayed totally away until I was 35. Took another 5 years to get reinstated and I felt a profound difference in the... flavor of it all. I was never able to put my finger on it, always assuming it was me. I had changed. I grew distant. Maybe I grew less socially adaptable. I always figured 15 years of chemical abuse had changed me and that's why I never felt comfortable back in that hall. Not like I did when I was younger.
It's true, I was a different person than the child who was disfellowshipped, but my observations were not all self centered. There was a mechanical feel to the interpersonal relationships in that building. It had a very strained quality to it.
It wasn't natural affection.
Julia Orwell - "Every day now on this forum there's a newbie introducing him/herself."
"The harder you squeeze, the more star systems will slip through your fingers..."
I've said this before, but IMO, it bears repeating; I've concluded that on a fundamental level (whethere they're aware of it or not), they want to cull the herd; 2 or 3 million hard-core followers are easier to maintain authority over than 7 or 8 million on-the-fencers, and it'll still keep them comfy if and when the real estate asset liquidation slows to a trickle.