Ever since Mitt Romney turned the spotlight on the LDS church a growing tsunami of disaffection has been accelerated and brought to a head.
The LDS core faithful members are leaving in increasing numbers such that growth has not simply stagnated in the West but it has actively reversed. To their credit the church is responding aggressively but not only is it too late, it is an impossible task. You can only paint sh*t so many ways. These are the red flags:
1 - Vast advertising campaign highlighting normality of church members and emphasising role of women.
2 - New outreach to gay community including re-writing key homophobic speeches to lessen their edge. New website showing changing attitudes. Proposition 8 involvment has been a lighting rod for disaffection.
3 - Growing NOM community (New Order Mormons, cafeteria members who don't believe some or all doctrines but remain for cultural, personal or family reasons).
4 - UK, there are a series of fireside occuring to address the hard issues, a couple are touring the church doing a QandA style presentation with no restrictions on questions. This also involves a public agreement that mistakes have been made by prophets.
5 - Almost complete cessation of UK building program (in my area land allocated for chapel expansion has been sold off to developers).
6 - Facebook has allowed lots of anonymous questions (I've had 6 separate , originally TBM. people contact me privately from an active ward that used to be 150+ and has now fallen to 70+ within 5 years.)
7 - Within the church their are signs of subtle rebellion (LDS women organised a pantsuit day to challenge enforced skirt and dress wearing attitudes.)
10 years and the LDS flame will be flickering out. imo.