A KH in the Seattle area that had 6 congregations meeting there have been condensed to 4 congregations (they combined 4 of them into 2 and left two intact).
When they are having 4-6 congregations meet in one building, that means everyone is driving much farther (good thing they no longer have to go to their very much more local book study groups!).
Saying that they are doing this with plans to build MORE halls is great-but with the new KH building scheme, it will be interesting to see how that works in reality. They could build nice new building using the WT money, pt them in there for a few months and then condense them again because "it makes more sense" then selling the building that they hyped and got donations for (not unlike the Spanish Bethel).
OR, they could let the congregations get comfy cosy for awhile and announce that they were fitting just fine into the building that they are in, or they can sell that one, add a bunch of hype and move them ALL into a new condensed facility (after selling off 4+) and then regularly downsize because of changing needs. we all know they play the game and we all see it in fact.
As to Mormons, having experience with both religions, I'd totally prefer being a LDS child than a JW one. Even the boys who have to serve (insincere or obligatory ) missions are only stuck with it for 2 years, come home, finish the last 2-3 years of college and get married at some point (often while in college). These people have a better standard of and quality of life. They are not obligatory outcasts from normal life, not expected to seek poverty and are (just as mch as JWs) expected to live morally clean lives. They do however, get a lot more forgiveness when they "slip" and are not made outcasts or usually harshly treated. The exception is those who publicly oppose their policy (not unlike JWs), but most LDS just go inactive (perhaps enough to be called "Jack" mormons, but usually just stay low key about it) and keep their loved ones. I knew one who had been Excommunicated and he was still loved, adored and supported by his family no matter what-and trust me, the guy had a LOT of what's! They are programmed for success, supported through hard times and surrounded with a very supportive structure. For most, even if the details of religion are shallow, the basic ethics of morals and hard work and being a good citizen are very traditionally normal. Many are trying to love God in the way they understand.
When God expects perfect understanding, he can come down and tell us all personally. The truth is that the issue of things being real truth does matter and the things that are pure nonsense to LDS folks are hard to accept once they are willing to examine them. The WT is a lot sneakier and more insidious with their lies, IMO.