“One scripture they quote in support of this idea is Daniel 12:4 " make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant". To them, the "roving about" in the Bible is the activity of the faithful slave class opening up truths, and true knowledge becomes abundant.”
Well, the Watchtower folks certainly have done a lot of “roving about” (or more like groping about) for the last 134 years. They’ve done much more “roving about” than that merry old singing group below (God bless ’em). The Governing Body should call themselves “THE JEWISH/CHRISTIAN/FREEMASON ROVERS.” (Sorry I’m too lazy to Photoshop that name into the picture.) Although, I don’t think they should try singing . . . . well, maybe now that I think of it, they just might be better at that.