Newby here

by 1009 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome 1009 and Freedom!

  • ABibleStudent

    1009 - I don't believe in a God anymore. For me the Bible isn't much more than a nice old book. But i recognise the influence you're refering to. I'm still convinced that JW are a lot closer to the Bible than other religions. Although I also see their mistakes.

    Hi Micheal (1009), Have you heard about Steve Hassan or Raymond Franz? Here is a link to a video by Steve Hassan that may help you to understand the influences that you recognize in yourself: Steve Hassan explains SIA method to rescue loved ones from unhealthy situations (2003). Here is a video by Raymond Franz to better understand the WTBTS by a former Governing Body member:

    SAHS - “ABibleStudent” :

    “I know a former JW who does not believe that the Bible is the word of God, but does believe that the WTBTS does know the "Truth", if it is the word of God.”

    Now there’s a switch! Usually it’s the other way around, especially for any “former JW” I’ve ever heard about. Are you sure this “former JW” has all his/her marbles? (Sure doesn’t seem like it.)

    Hi SAHS, Yes he has all his marbles. He is actually very fun to hang with. He also had only good experiences being a JW. He just could not see himself being married to his former wife. When you consider that the WTBTS uses BITE control to influence JWs, it is amazing that more JWs are not a lot nuttier than they are.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • amos77

    Apologies to all for lack of personal introduction. Had difficulties with site and totally ignorant of process. Am also orignally from Holland, 3rd generation JW. Large family, all others are still JW. My transition (finally DF) started from reading the Watchtower Produced Byington's Bible - they printed this because it actually had Jehovah's name in the New Testament (and no doubt to make more money). When I was reading this, I came across the word "Grace" and didn't understand it, the parallel 'undeserved kindness' in NW translation did not seem adequate. One question led to another. We tried to resign, but because our former position in Bethel, husband being the current Presiding Overseer, on board of Watchtower printing etc. we were given "six months to think about it". Tempting in view of the stress we were under, but declined their offer. We were then DF without a meeting with anyone. Quite amazing. The road has been hard but wonderful at the same time. So thankful that as parents we have not put our children into the religious brainwashing straight jacket. Wish you well New, you will get plenty of support.

  • amos77

    Apologies to all for lack of personal introduction. Had difficulties with site and totally ignorant of process. Am also orignally from Holland, 3rd generation JW. Large family, all others are still JW. My transition (finally DF) started from reading the Watchtower Produced Byington's Bible - they printed this because it actually had Jehovah's name in the New Testament (and no doubt to make more money). When I was reading this, I came across the word "Grace" and didn't understand it, the parallel 'undeserved kindness' in NW translation did not seem adequate. One question led to another. We tried to resign, but because our former position in Bethel, husband being the current Presiding Overseer, on board of Watchtower printing etc. we were given "six months to think about it". Tempting in view of the stress we were under, but declined their offer. We were then DF without a meeting with anyone. Quite amazing. The road has been hard but wonderful at the same time. So thankful that as parents we have not put our children into the religious brainwashing straight jacket. Wish you well Newby, you will get plenty of support.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Wow - Wow - Wow We have a triple hitter tonight!

    Welcome you 3 smart Families from Holland!


    And 3 Gold Stars

    And these are happy red tulips>>>>>

    Just for you...1009 - Freedom4All - Amos77

    Just Lois from The North Pacific

  • Quarterback

    Wecome, both of you.

  • Quarterback

    Oops...there goes my bad spelling. I meant welcome

  • smiddy

    Welcome 1009 and Freedom


  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Welcome Amos, I'll bet you have an interesting story. Looking forward to having you here. That is nice you came out as a couple which my hubby and I came out together.

  • flipper

    1009- Welcome to the board ! Hang in there, we are here as a support to you. Lots of good advice so far by the good folks here. Peace out, mr. Flipper

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