There are *good* people out there! Yes -gasp!- in the "world"!!

by Muddy Waters 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    It is still a wonderful discovery and pleasant surprise to continually keep finding that there are some awesomely *good* people out there in the "world"!

    It's such a neat thing, this (slow, yet very rewarding!) process of making new, non-JW friends.... I recently had my FIRST meal at the home of one of these new wonderful people we've just met and I just must share this!

    Because -- guess what!!

    There were NO wild orgies (okay, that may be disappointing for some of you to hear, lol! ;), there were NO goat sacrifices, no conversations filled with constant swearing and references to sexual practices (as the WT would try to have you believe!) no circle dances around a living nude altar... None of that! Also nobody was eating steaks or sausages dripping with blood nor was anybody shooting heroin at the table, or sniffing coke.

    Oh, there may have been the craftier, more subtle references to COLLEGE and charities they were involved in (oooh, those sneaky "worldlings!) but my goodness, these were normal, happy people doing normal everyday things!! The evilness of it all, I tell you...!


    And so I had a wonderfully enjoyable time! And you know what else I've noticed, and this also comes as a surprise -- is how CANDID people are!! People (well, some of them, not all, but many!) talk freely about things, personal things that as a witness are so surprising to hear.

    Because as a JW, one of the "happiest people on the planet!", you cannot speak freely about problems or depressions or hard times... JWs will look at you strangely or uncomfortably. JWs will tell you that Satan or his demons are trying to slow you down or steal your joy... or they begin thinking that you must be spiritually weak... or you perhaps have some "secret sin", or that you need to do more field service, study, prayer, meeting attendance, ugh!

    With JWs, so much is SURFACE. You don't know if people really like you for *you* or if they're spending time with you because they "have to", or because it's their Christian duty, or because it's your turn to be shown hospitality.... so many smiles at the KH are phoney, so phoney. Surface, surface, surface.

    The more I am coming to know some of these wonderfully kind, generous, helpful and hospitable "worldly" people, the more refreshing it is to see that they are, for the most part, HONEST, hard working people, who are exciting, who have ENERGY (that's a whole other concept, lol!) and who are unique, individual, candid people. It is such a totally cool thing now... and to think that a year or two ago, I was worried that I would never make any new friends because, as the JWs always like to say, "people are so busy, they haven't got time..." etc.

    People on the ex-JW forums a year or two ago would tell me that it keeps getting better, the longer you are away from the mind control and all the JW stuff, and YES, it is true!!!

    Life is good, life is exciting, life is refreshing and FULL of discovery and experiences, and yes, wonderful, *good* people! :)

  • Big Mama
    Big Mama

    Good post, nice sentiments. I'm glad life is looking up for you.

  • WTWizard

    And there are worthwhile organizations. Just ask someone whose house burns down (perhaps because that squiggly thing died and the fusible resistor failed to blow like it was supposed to), and the Red Cross takes care of them. Just ask the people at the ASPCA, who take care of animals which have been abused, expose the puppy mills, and run animal shelters where people can buy pets that have been taken good care of. Just ask the mother who had a firefighter run into a burning building to rescue her baby. Just ask those who are brave enough to start new businesses, despite Osama ObamaCare, to take care of needs (such as those building LED light bulbs, sturdy and powerful flashlights, and chargers)--or those who buy such products 2 weeks before a major storm takes out their electricity and they need to be careful about usage.

    And, which is worse--a sex orgy between consenting adults, or coercing children to be molested after threatening them with damnation if they do fornication, and then threaten them with damnation if they tell anyone?

  • moshe
    And you know what else I've noticed, and this also comes as a surprise -- is how CANDID people are!!

    JWs live in their closed off mind- too scared to let their real self come out for fear that the brothers and sisters might not like their real self and real conversation. They avoid dealings with wonderful people in the world and lie about why they can't accept social invitations- - the JWs are a secretly an unhappy people, IMO even the elders.

  • NewYork44M

    That was one of the biggest shocks of my life. I grew up in an issolated cult where the worldy people were describe as evil and deserving of death.

    Once I grew up got a job and interacted with those "worldy people," I discovered most were quite normal. Most had ethical standards as good and many times better than those in my cult.

    What a shock!

  • LostGeneration
    There were NO wild orgies (okay, that may be disappointing for some of you to hear, lol! ;), there were NO goat sacrifices , no conversations filled with constant swearing and references to sexual practices (as the WT would try to have you believe!) no circle dances around a living nude altar... None of that! Also nobody was eating steaks or sausages dripping with blood nor was anybody shooting heroin at the table, or sniffing coke.

    You are hanging out with the wrong

  • BobFlanagan007

    Just ask those who are brave enough to start new businesses, despite Osama ObamaCare, to take care of needs (such as those building LED lightbulbs, sturdy and powerful flashlights, and chargers)

    Sorry but I have to ask what the above comment actually means.

    And as a non-American can someone explain what's so bad about Barack Obama wanting to improve healthcare provisions in the USA?

    And comparing Barack Obama to Osama Bin Laden makes you sound stupid, maybe get some perspective?

  • Thor

    Great post Muddy Waters! So true!

    I have to say I like BobFlanagan007's too

    Mrs. Thor

  • clarity

    Muddie ......

  • Gopher

    Hi BobFlanagan:

    "as a non-American can someone explain what's so bad about Barack Obama wanting to improve healthcare provisions in the USA?"

    The opponents of the Affordable Care Act believe the changes will hurt businesses somehow, and they are convinced it takes away freedom of choice. They feel it is a government intrusion (some even going as far to call this a "government takeover") and close to what they call the "socialist" systems in Canada, England and the rest of the industrialized world. (We in America heard some scare stories about long waits and rationed care in such countries - whether those claims are true or not is quite controversial.) The "brave" comment is in response to actual uncertainty about how the implementation in 2014 will affect businesses and individuals. Change is scary.

    And comparing Barack Obama to Osama Bin Laden makes you sound stupid, maybe get some perspective?

    Some of the more outspoken opponents have formed all sorts of theories about Barack Obama -- that he hates America, that he is Muslim not Christian, that he wasn't born in the USA as is required of a president, that he is secretly or openly trying to ruin this country. None of these is true, but they do come from the losing side who hasn't accepted that the majority of Americans actually like their president.

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