"Recovery- I didn't quote any gun statistics, therefore my alleged "statistics" cannot be incorrect."
Don't call me Shirley This is the statistic you posted. I am quoting you directly
"Actually, per capita, Canadians own as many guns as Americans."
by mP 145 Replies latest watchtower bible
"Recovery- I didn't quote any gun statistics, therefore my alleged "statistics" cannot be incorrect."
Don't call me Shirley This is the statistic you posted. I am quoting you directly
"Actually, per capita, Canadians own as many guns as Americans."
Just a point of information the following is a definition of per capita
Per capita is Latin for "Per head". Per capita is a Latin prepositional phrase: per (preposition, taking the accusative case, meaning "by, by means of") and capita (accusative plural of the noun caput, "head"). The phrase thus means "by heads" or "for each head", i.e. per individual/person. The term is used in a wide variety of social sciences and statistical research contexts, including government statistics, economic indicators, and built environment studies.
It is commonly and usually used in the field of statistics in place of saying "for each person" or "per person". [1]
Conversely, the most religious countries, like the USA, have the highest murder rates
So gang membership is caused by churches in the US?
Neither of these countries {China,Russia} is "atheistic".
*My addition in {}
"The People's Republic of China was established 1 October 1949. Its government is officially atheist, having viewed religion as emblematic of feudalism and foreign colonialism, and maintained separation of state and the church. This changed during the Cultural Revolution, in 1966 and 1967. The Cultural Revolution led to a policy of elimination of religions; a massive number of places of worship were destroyed."
"State promotion of atheism as a public norm was first practiced during a brief period in Revolutionary France. Since then, such a policy was repeated only in Revolutionary Mexico and some communist states. The Soviet Union had a long history of state atheism, in which social success largely required individuals to profess atheism and stay away from houses of worship; this attitude was especially militant during the middle Stalinist era from 1929–1939. The Soviet Union attempted to suppress public religious expression over wide areas of its influence, including places such as central Asia."
"In the Marxist–Leninist interpretation of Marxist theory, developed primarily by Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, religion is seen as negative to human development, and communist states that follow a Marxist–Leninist variant are atheistic and explicitly antireligious."
as I said to ravens, you may want to educate yourself before commenting.
No not ignorant , I said if it were a real christian country , what happened in europe had nothing to do with jesus . I know the tyranny of the holy roman empire and the fueds between the catholics and protestants that still happen in Ireland . They were not obeying jesus commandments but wanted control over the people and resources .
Most murders are by someone close to us, like a spouse, child, or parent. Not a gang member.
Murder rates are dropping nearly everywhere. When I was last looking in to this, a much better indicator of a rising murder rate is in a country in the throes of social disruption. If people feel insecure; if they have no assurance that they can keep the fruits of their labour and improve their lot, if neighbours no longer look out for each other, if there is a fundamental failure of law and order, crime rates will rise.
I am certain that a comparison of "Christian" nations with others (Muslim, state-sponsored athiest, Buddhist) and their relative murder rates, we will not find a correlation. From what I have seen, people's purported values are not directly related to what they actually do. Their behaviour is much more closely related to their environment. A secure and peaceful nation (Christian, Muslim, state-sponsored athiest, Buddhist, or agnostic) will enjoy declining crime rates.
Regimes with very tight controls on crime also "enjoy" low crime rates, but I suspect that if the controls are ever lifted, there is a "rebound" and a period of greater disruption.
Conversely, the most religious countries, like the USA, have the highest murder rates
So gang membership is caused by churches in the US?
ADCMS: Really? This is what you got out of what I said? Wow. I don't debate "Strawman" arguments and nonsensical statements, so I'll say no more.
Neither of these countries {China,Russia} is "atheistic".
This is a true statement. The government itself may be officially atheistic, but the citizens are not. As I posted earlier, the Chinese Constitution guarantees freedom of worship.
"Actually, per capita, Canadians own as many guns as Americans."
This is not a statistic. And please don't quote a dictionary definition of "statistic" here. I did say "it is my understanding" that this is the case with the additional comment " I could be wrong".
This is hardly a thing to make a point of contention, Searril. Quit making mountains out of molehillsl
The constitution of the People's Republic of China states "Citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of religion. No state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens because they do, or do not believe in religion." This protection is extended only to what is called "normal religious activity," generally understood to refer to religions that submit to state control via the State Administration for Religious Affairs. [3] The Constitution further forbids the use of religion to "engage in activities that disrupt social order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state. Religious organizations and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign dominance."To Recovering and Searril-
From my earlier post:
I'm sure it's true there's more handguns in the USA. My understanding is that, when you consider ALL gun ownership in both countries, per capita is works out proportionally about the same. The big difference is that Canadians simply view violence much differently than Americans- which accounts for the huge disparity in gun-related crimes in both countries.
I could be wrong. It's happened once before.
I was not making dogmatic statements, as my above quote illustrates.
See my pm dcms