I kind of envy Christians

by stillin 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I'm not envious of christains.

    I don't believe in any gods. I'm not a criminal because I have morals. I know right from wrong. I don't need a sky god to tell me that robbing a bank is wrong. I don't need a sky god to tell me that killing folks is wrong. I don't need a sky god to tell me that having sex with a man other than my husand is wrong.

    I am rational.

    I try to be logical.

    I have empathy for my fellow humans.

    I don't need a sky god to make me a good person.

    And I'm not jealous of those who think they do.

  • Bugbear

    Painted toe nail

    "I am more at peace now, than I was when being an active JW",

    Youre quite right. Beeing "a beliver" amongs JW:s must be hell. All those absolutely rediq. ideas that the GB has served their belivers makes your life to a tradgedy. Families are broken, friends are shunning you, new rules that you have to obay just just to keep you within. I can see all those conflicts very close to myselft, but I am still unable to release parts of my family from this "spider net" that keeps em trapped


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