Damn! How can you go around telling people that!?
"God loves me but He doesn't love you"
by stillin 30 Replies latest jw experiences
That's what religion is all about...mine is better thans yours and God does not like you.
Espo:That's what religion is all about...mine is better thans yours and God does not like you.
i know! It's incredible! What the ....?
GOD loves everyone just the same as we love our children even when they are doing something we do not agree with. Have no fear GOD will give everyone a fair chance to repent....
I don't know about any repentance. I've pretty much done what I have to have done. No harm, no foul.
My "God" is bigger than yours. "Truth" might shine like a well polished floor, but Might will trample it down to size every time.
Este: who will need to repent? Judaism because they are not
Islamic, Protestant because they are not JW,s and etc.
Band on the Run
So funny. It puts it succintly.
The Witness attitude of going forth to combat Satan loving people is so funny when viewed from a distance. I recall all these innocent people needing my saving door rap.
I told my friends at a party that I knocked on doors at ten and inquired "Do you believe in eternal life? Rev. 21:xx says, "............" It is a good comedy routine that makes people hysterical. What a Dudley Do-right.
I told a close friend (friends from childhood before becoming
a JW)why I couldn,t be his wedding as his best man, your
wedding will be held in Satan,s house (church). We laugh
about it now, he told me he tought I had lost my mind. I
told him, I had.
GOD should be the one who repents....
he'll have to beg for my fogiveness...