In the words of Morrissey's song, "I have forgiven Jesus".
"God loves me but He doesn't love you"
by stillin 30 Replies latest jw experiences
God loves everybody, but that doesn't stop him from judging and sentencing to hell some of those that he loves.
Have no fear GOD will give everyone a fair chance to repent
Which god should I expect mercy from? There are around 30,000 identifiable god's in human history, so I have a .00003 % chance of picking the right one.
Please, please, please let it be Thor !!
"Love is an action word".
Let's conjugate that verb ...
I loveyou love
he/she loves
we love
Okay, God, let's see some ACTION if you love us all!
God loves everybody, but that doesn't stop him from judging and sentencing to hell some of those that he loves.
There is no such thing as hell mr. satan, how can a human body endure extreme heat forever and forever? Christ baptizes with fire meaning a cleansing of our sins.....
Este: There is no such thing as hell
Actually, there is, and it's in the Bible. Look it up:
= "hell".
How you define hell is a completely separate issue.
And, satanus didn't use the words "extreme heat", Este, you did. Satanus used the word hell with no qualifiers.
"God loves me more than you".
I've thought for a long time that this is what it boils down to. This idea. It's so rude! The height of it is that people are than offended that you find this offensive.
The reason why God loves me more? Does it really matter? Saying it to anybody makes them pissed off. In the case of Jehovah's Witnesses they then can feel justified in their persecution complex. How absolutely delightful!
"I was a good kid. I wouldn't do you no harm. I was a nice kid. With a nice paper route".
I don't care if your god loves me or not....
still thinking
I think thats all in the 'OTHER' bible dontcallmeshirley....there's no hell in Este's bible...none...nada...not even a teeny tiny spark....
Maybe Este uses 'The message bible'...that one is so acurate. I'ts unbelievable....truly unbelievable!