Jehovah's Witnesses submission to the United Nations | July 2013 Human Rights session

by jwleaks 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwleaks

    JW LEAKS has published an advanced copy of a submission in relation to Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kyrgyzstan lodged with the United Nations Human Rights Committee session to be held in July 2013.

    This submission, dated April 24, 2013, was made by The European Association of Jehovah’s Christian Witnesses.


    This submission to the Human Rights Committee (the “Committee”) on Kyrgyzstan highlights violations of the following provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (the “Covenant”):

    a) Article 18, paragraphs 1 and 3;

    b) Article 22, paragraphs 1 and 2;

    c) Article 26 read in conjunction with Articles 18 and 22.

    The two main issues discussed in this submission are:

    1. Impossibility to be registered in four southern districts of Kyrgyzstan and its consequences.

    2. The prosecution and criminal conviction of Jehovah’s Witnesses as conscientious objectors to military service. Jehovah’s Witnesses are pleased to report that recently the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan decided to suspend the criminal prosecution of 10 conscientious objectors and send their cases to the Constitutional Chamber for determination whether the current law on military service is constitutional and in harmony with Kyrgyzstan’s obligations under the Covenant.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kyrgyzstan and as a worldwide organization respectfully request the government of Kyrgyzstan to:

    (1) Register local religious organizations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the districts of Osh, Naryn, Jalal-Abad, and Batken; and

    (2) Provide for genuine civilian alternative service that does not violate the religious conscience of individual Jehovah’s Witnesses of military age and to suspend all prosecutions until the law is amended to meet international standards.


  • stillin

    That's good, right? They submitted a request to be recognized and to protect members from forced military participation. So wouldn't you WANT your religion, if it believed this way, to go through channels and work it out with authorities?

    Thanks for the research.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions


    How do I know?

    Because the End is soooooooooooooo close, and the UN is about to turn on religion! [BOC hits the Staples "Easy" button]

  • Vidqun

    One cannot admit anything to the UN if you are not an NGO of either the UN or one of its susidiaries (e.g. OSCE).

    The answer of the brothers: "But we only want to do what is good and help our brothers."

  • jwfacts

    Stillin - So wouldn't you WANT your religion, if it believed this way, to go through channels and work it out with authorities?

    You would if you belonged to a normal religion. The thing with the Watchtower is that it claims to be politically neutral. A religion that prides itself with not being involved in the politics of the world cannot get involved in political lobbying. It is hypocritical to forbid members to be involved in politics, but allow the organisation itself to be involved.

    In democratic countries there are three main political aspects:

    • Executive - General administration of state bureaucracy
    • Legislative - Create and maintain laws
    • Judiciary - Court system for interpretation and application of the law

    Whilst all three tiers are critical to the governing of a country, the Watchtower is against the Executive aspect more-so than the Judiciary and Legislative functions. Whilst against influencing the Executive function through the election of representatives, they have not shied away from political lobbying as a form of influence.

  • Lied2NoMore

    Can someone go to one of these hearings and testify how WT turns around and violates the civil rights of its members by restricting freedom of association, freedom of thought, speech and behavior? If so I found my new mission in life.

  • besty


    That's good, right? They submitted a request to be recognized and to protect members from forced military participation. So wouldn't you WANT your religion, if it believed this way, to go through channels and work it out with authorities

    It is good, but in the context of a religion that denies freedom of thought, expression and belief on pain of communal and familial shunning including against minor children, wouldn't you acknowledge it might be seen as a tad hypocritical?

    Or consider their egregious intellectual dishonesty when it comes to their positioning of the medical benefits of avoiding blood and its components - this practice puts millions of people at risk every single day and has accounted for tens of thousands of lost lives. What happend to those peoples' human rights?

    Honesty in its own approach to human rights would be a good thing for a religion to start with, before appealing to the UN for help.

    Count the ways the Watchtower undermines and disregards the principles found in the The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

    Be sure to let me know how many you can see.

  • jwfacts

    Whatever happened to the Watchtower equating the UN with the wild beast, or JWs thinking they were to be no part of the world?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Worldy governments and structures are evil. Yet they certainly love complaining to the U.S. Supreme Court and other tribunals. If you were truly neutral, you would stay away from such forums. I believe several religious groups do.


    If you are a Christian in a country where you are persecuted, you may have " shake the dust off your feet " and move on. If they persecute you in one city, flee to another. I cannot even imagine the issues that some Christians in third-world countries must deal with, still being hated is a given at some point.

    Associating with the OSCE who claims to be a primary partner of the UN ( SATAN"S INSTRUMENT ) is un-christian bt the WTBTS's standards. If you are arrested for being an objector, then make use of the Superior Authorities. Realize that you may have to go to prison for your faith. If alternative service does not violate YOUR conscience, then perform it, be respectful.

    GOD does not need the WTBTS to appeal to " Satan's organizations " on behalf of Christians. The WTBTS needs to stop attempting to police the consciences of others. They do this to create a position for themselves to occupy. Create a vaccuum, and fill that vaccuum. Talk about giving breath to an image and then worshipping it... job security.

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