Atheism IS a religion! My profound apologies to Xians.

by return of parakeet 53 Replies latest social humour

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    In the course of my continuing research on why believers insist that atheists are religious, I stumbled upon a website (link below) that proves beyond any doubt that atheism is a religion.

    You can imagine my chagrin upon discovering that I, as an atheist, belong to a religion after all. I'm not exactly a member in good standing yet, but I'll work on it as hard as I can. I must now admit that I'm a believing atheist with a religion to prove it.

    The religion is called Pastafarianism. The link will explain it all.

    How can I apologize to all those posters who have insisted all along that atheism is a religion?

    I guess I can't.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Ah yes the flying spaghetti monster. Maybe you could start teapotism after Bertrand Russell's orbiting teapot example.

    On a note about atheism being a religion, from personal experience I've seen my atheist close relative arc up like a fanatic over the issue and become an hysterical, screaming zealot. That's one at least who gets religious over other atheist relatives though just shrug and go, 'It's the way it is.' My FIL is an atheist and doesn't care if other people believe differently to him. They carry on normally. We have examples right there in my own family: religious reaction and non religious. But I tell you, my family are the best eggs you could ever meet.

    I think the religious reaction is from the person more from what they believe.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    JO: " I think the religious reaction is from the person more from what they believe. "

    If foaming-at-the-mouth hysteria is the hallmark of a true-blue religious person, then nearly everyone is an atheist. Or at least a member of the Chruch of the FSM. May his noodles never dry out.

  • 5go

    Yeah I have become a pagan after my athiest stage but I still identify with them so I don't have to explain my beliefs. Simply put I think of in the way Christian myths and writhing much like they think of Pagan myths and writings. Which is to say something to steal ideas from them while casting off the stuff that clearly is looney while making up some other looney stuff to make myself feel good and fits my modern life better.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Ha maybe. I always felt bad as a Jw that I just didn't care that people in the territory believed different things to JWs. You know how we were supposed to feel a burning desire to preach to the people and that we should love them and want them to be saved? That we should feel indignant over the damage done by 'false religion' and want to tell people the truth about God? Well I never felt any of those things because I had a 'live and let live' attitude, and was more interested in hearing about diverse beliefs than trying to correct them, and of course felt I was deficient as a Jw.

    Using rabid zeal as an indicator of religiosity was probably a bad example, but I use it to highlight the idea that some people react like that regardless of their belief system. Richard Dawkins shows 'religious' zeal for his cause, spreading his message as a Christian preacher might. I'm not trying to run Dawkins down, but we must admit he has an almost religious fervour. Other Christians and atheists just live their lives and don't worry about spreading a message.

    I separate religiousness from spirituality in this discussion. I see religiousness as being actions and practices, which JWs do for instance with all their meetings and that, as opposed to spirituality, a rich inner world and peace and desire to do good. In this way my atheist mother is the most spiritual person I've ever known. I believe spirituality comes from a sense of the divine, whether it's the awe of the atheist at the stupendous powers of nature or the Buddhist praying at her home shrine or the Christian communing with Jesus. In this way, many people are spiritual rather than religious, including the much maligned atheist.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Sorry that ha maybe is in response to Parakeet's last comment, not at your spirituality 5go! You snuck a,post on while I was typing my treatise.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    JO: " Richard Dawkins shows 'religious' zeal for his cause, spreading his message as a Christian preacher might. I'm not trying to run Dawkins down, but we must admit he has an almost religious fervour."

    Must we? Again, if zealousness is the mark of a religious person, then PETA must be a religion too. And Greenpeace, the NRA, and the KKK as well.

    JO: "I see religiousness as being actions and practices ... "

    Religion is actions and practices, but they are based on belief, faith, and doctrine. Atheism is based on skepticism and testable hypotheses, one of which is the existence of the FSM. No wait ... that can't be tested. It must be accepted on faith. Oh well, then ....

  • zeb

    Reportedly on a headstone in an old western cemetary:

    "Here lies (whoever) athiest.

    All dressed up and no-where to go."

    by the late Dave Allen Irish comedian.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    zeb: " Here lies (whoever) athiest.

    All dressed up and no-where to go. "

    Ha! Good one!

  • Phizzy

    I think Cantleave became a Pastfarian just as soon as he left the Borg, or am I confused ? perhaps it is just that the chubby bugger eats a lot of pasta !

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