Are you a Witch Tal ? LOL
A lot of bollocks is talked about what Atheists think, and strangely, "feel", by believers who do not, and cannot have a clue.
Atheists are an eclectic group, but the simple common factor is we do not "do" God. That position is not a religion.
Just the same as I don't play Golf, I don't do Golf, I am a non-Golfer, Golf does not feature in my life, I don't do God, I don't give a flying fudge bar whether a God exists or not, the whole thing only affects me when idiots try to tell me what I "believe" or "feel". Fools.
Some will try to say that Atheists "believe" there is no God. No we don't ,we simply see not one bit of evidence that stands scrutiny to support the existence of a God, anymore than the Pink Unicorn, being sceptical about the existence of Pink Unicorns is not a belief, it is a sensible, rational position.
Anyone who is so enamoured with the warm fuzzy idea that Pink Unicorns exist is irrational and deluded.
Draw the parallel.