What movie did you walk out on when a jw? Have you seen it since? What changed?

by Wasanelder Once 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    never went out of one. not even when all the others went out. even if it was a crap movie.

  • Oubliette

    This is Spinal Tap

  • Giordano

    When I was Pioneering in a rural area all I remember seeing was Elvis Presley movies (terrible) and John Wayne's pink shirt era westerns (a little less terrible).

    After we were long out my Wife and I went to see the Exorcist. Very very intense. My 10 year old son really wanted to see the movie ....I told him no way. He kept at it so I told him you can't see it until you turn 13. I figured no way would that film still be around.

    Sure enough when my son turned 13 a local theater brought it back so a promise being a promise we went. It was still pretty intense but my son was holding up pretty well until the scene with the possessed girl who began to use a crucfix in a totally inappropriate way. I was embarrassed........ I had forgotten about that scene. It goes on for a while and I hear my son say "ooookay, we can go now." And we both walked out.

  • NewYork44M

    Never walked out of a movie, although I went to few movies. Does changing the channel count? But then again, most of my channel changing related to trying to find sex and violence, rather than shunning it.

  • Finally-Free

    I wanted to walk out of the Lion King but I was with my then-wife, who was really enjoying it. I wasn't raised as a JW, so a movie needs steamy sex, gratuitous violence, profanity, and a lot of explosions to keep my attention.


  • jws

    When I was little - whole family JW, dad an elder - other JWs had told him how funny the Owl and the Pussycat was. On IMDB, I'm seeing it's rated R, but my parents took me and my younger brother anyway. Barbra Streisand was in it and I think they liked her musicals. In it George Segal is a writer and Barbra's a prostitute. Something happened and I didn't really know what was going on, but my dad walked us all out of the theater into the back. He went back in and watched for a little while (sometimes a movie has only one bad part and once it's over, the rest is OK). He watched for a few minutes then we all left the theater and went home. If this was when it first came out, I was only 3 and my brother 2. But I think I was at least in school, so it must have been a second run years later. Always wanted to see it just to see what dad walked out on, but Streisand movies don't interest me enough for me to actually go through with it.

    I find it interesting that it was R and they went anyway. And not only that, but on the recommendation of other JWs.

    Later, when we got HBO, my dad would start to get uncomfortable if a movie had too much swearing and he'd eventually cut it off. Or if there was any nudity. But violence, no problem. There could be all the blood and gore you could imagine, but show one innocent female nipple and off it went.

    Otherwise, never walked out of a movie at a theater myself. At home, I've started to watch some movies and got frustrated with them and turned them off. Usually for bad acting, poor quality sets, or just a bad plot. Mostly mockbusters. Like last year Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters came out and I've been waiting for it to come to Netflix. Not remembering the exact name, I saw a Hansel and Gretel movie on Netflix and I bit. So lame I had to stop watching it. Then I saw a diferent Hansel and Gretel and thought surely this must be the one. Nope, wrong again. Another mockbuster. I was more cautious this time and watched less.

    Also, whenever I see Lloyd Kaufman's name in the credits, I stop watching then and there.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I was in a midweek pioneer car group, when a discussion on who was going to go see The Godfather movie that week-end. We all talked about going to see it. I mentiioned to my husband that I wanted us to go see it that weekend too. He told me no way was I going. He said "I was not allowed". Huh? "You heard me." "I will not allow my wife to see that movie".

    At meeting on Sunday, the pioneers told me what a great movie I had missed. They said the only bad part was the horses head in the guys bed. Even when it came out on TV my Elder husband would not "allow" me to watch it

    LoisLane respectfully refrained from watching that movie for years. (I did buy the book though and read it)

    When my husband was at an Elder's meeting, it was on TV. So LoisLane made some popcorn, sat back and enjoyed.

    Just Lois

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    You go Lois!

  • MrFreeze

    Only movie I ever walked out of was Superbad... and that was mostly because I thought it just wasn't very funny.

  • HarryMac

    I agree with previous post. People only offended when somebody else is watching (or bragging rights).

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