Although there is no explicit commandment or stipulation that ordains child sacrifice in the Bible, there are nonetheless numerous passages that discuss it AS IF it was being practiced. This post lays the query out.
Did Yahweh command child sacrifice at one time?
by srd 17 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
Why was Abraham so eager with Isaac? I assume it was. Anyway, I had nightmares from the pictures of baby sacrifice in the orange Paradise Lost book. Abraham thought it fine that God demanded sacrifice.
Rabbis today say it is one of the chilling accounts in the Bible. They lose sleep. Why would anyone worship a god who commands such tests of faith and devotion? I call it murder and conspiracy to murder on behalf of Jehover.
Yahweh is a mythical concept, so he could not have commanded anything. The story is part of a foundation myth to give a divine sanction to the development of a rather minor state (Isael).
Jehovah said that it never entered his mind that the Israelites should sacrifice their children as they were doing in Hinnom.
Yet, it did enter his mind to test Abraham.
Today however, the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses teach that parents ought to let their children die a type of sacrifical death in case they need a blood transfusion.
They claim that even though blood transfusions weren't practiced in the Apostle's day Jehovah knew that transfusions would become a practice and therefore expected Christians to have to undergo trial on this issue in the modern world.
I don't believe in God or the Devil but if there were both a God and a Devil score one for the Devil. I can't think of anything that would be more blasphemous than to have parents sacrifice their children. What a reproach on God to have people bearing his name carry on a practice from which Jehovah mercifully spared Abraham.
Jehovah's Witnesses actually follow through on the sacrifice of their children without even the benefit of some special "Abrahamic Covenant" afterward. Jehovah made an exceptional oath to Abraham actually swearing to it because he knew that he put Abraham, as a parent, through the ultimate test.
My understanding from what I have researched is that, at the time, there was a lot of paganism and badness, cannibalism and child sacrifice and all manner of disgusting things were going on. very common. which is why there are so strict commands/laws against it.
Which was also why God told abraham to go out from among them and leave.
The point, as I understand it, of the Isaac non-sacrifice, was to demonstrate physically not to do it and therefore be like the other nations.
But also, it was a test of Abrahams faith. and as Abraham had what was termed a special relationship with God, he understood what he was doing.
But also, it was a test of Abrahams faith. and as Abraham had what was termed a special relationship with God, he understood what he was doing.
People always focus only on Abraham's so-called "faith".
They rarely ask the second, and more disturbing question, which is, "how could a "loving" god ask his 'friend' to do such a horrible thing?"
Determining what Abraham did or didn't know is pure speculation since the Bible account doesn't say.
Jehovah said that it never entered his mind that the Israelites should sacrifice their children as they were doing in Hinnom.
Yet, it did enter his mind to test Abraham.
Obviously not true, as it had to enter his mind in order to tell Abraham to do it (as scotoma pointed out).
Even if a person believes in God, I fail to see how anything in that account would make a person want to serve such a diabolical monster as that.
Additionally, god has, and is, still interested in child sacrifice.
Every child of Adam and Eve (you and me included) has been, and will be, sacrificed for a supposed issue of proving "universal sovreignty"
Every child alive at the time of the Flood was sacrificed for their parent's error
Every firstborn in Egypt was sacrificed prior to the Exodus
Abraham was ordered to sacrifice Isaac
Countless children were sacrificed/murdered by the nation of Israel as they committed genocide to obtain real estate. Ironically, these nations were often guilty of child sacrifice themselves (to the god Molech, for example), which so offended God that he ordered the slaughter of all the inhabitants, including the children. Apparently it is not child sacrifice that offends god per se, merely which god children are being sacrificed for.
David's child was sacrificed for David's sin
And, god required the sacrifice of his own child, Jesus.
I'm not saying these Bible accounts are true. The point is, whether real or imagined, the answer to your question is "yes", Jehovah requires child sacrifice to make him happy.
ADCMS: you raise something there.."universal soveriegnty"
a fav kingdom cliche in the 80's. Oh God how many times have i suffered long winded never end is it lunch time soon speakers ranting on about "The(this) issue of the age"--? (what when Australian home loan post signing rates passed 18%) and who was ever going on about this 'universal soveriegnty' thing anyway? Not in the press not on the tv news. It was another wt dream up. Yes the issue of the age .
Rant over.
Marking for ADCMS's awesome comment.
Abraham can't be used in the context of "child sacrifice". Isaac was about 25 years old when that trial took place. He was no defenseless child. He was a full grown adult that could have easily resisted and overpowered his elderly father if he chose to. His willingness to go through it was a prophetic drama pointing towards Jesus' own willingness to sacrifice himself to do his Father's will. You may like or dislike the very concept, believe it or discard it as folklore, but please be intellectually honest and don't use this episode as an example of Yahweh wanting "child sacrifices".