Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-26-2013 WT Study (MARCH 15, 2013, pages )(DWELLING)
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“O Jehovah, you yourself
have proved to be
a real dwelling for us
during generation after
generation.”—PS. 90:1.
How did Jehovah prove to be
“a real dwelling” for the faithful
men of old?
What can we learn from
Abraham’s faithful course?
How can we show that Jehovah
is our “real dwelling”?
This article opens once again with an OT scripture with a discussion of non-Christians as examples for Christians. Are there no Christians in the NT for examples: Not Paul, not Martha, not Cornelius, not Jesus?
1, 2. How have God’s servants felt toward the present system
of things, and in what sense do they have a home?
DO YOU feel at home in the present world? If not,
you are in good company! Throughout the ages, all
who have truly loved Jehovah have felt like strangers,
or aliens, in this system of things. For example,
while moving from encampment to encampment in
the land of Canaan, faithful worshippers of God
“publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary
residents.”—Heb. 11:13.
Don’t feel at home—a safe home, food, clothing, a job, friends, family….what else is there to feel at home?
But remember that God told Abraham that he would not be settling down, that his descendants would inherit the land. Did that mean that Abraham “rented” space or “squatted” wherever he was and grazed his flock?
What if they don’t feel like strangers or aliens, are they not loving God enough?
2 Likewise, Christ’s anointed followers, whose
“citizenship exists in the heavens,” view themselves
as “aliens and temporary residents” in the present
system of things. (Phil. 3:20; 1 Pet. 2:11) Christ’s
“other sheep” are also “no part of the world, just
as [Jesus was] no part of the world.” (John 10:16;
17:16) Nevertheless, God’s people are not without a
“home.” In fact, we enjoy the protection of the most
secure and loving home imaginable, one that is discerned
through eyes of faith. Moses wrote: “O Jehovah,
you yourself have proved to be a real dwelling for
us during generation after generation.”* (Ps. 90:1)
How did Jehovah prove to be “a real dwelling” for his
loyal servants in ancient times? How is he “a real
dwelling” for his name people today? And how will
he prove to be the only secure dwelling in the future?
*The Contemporary English Version renders Psalm 90:1: “Our Lord,
in all generations you have been our home.”
The WTS teaches that the anointed jws are only on earth temporarily and will eventually live forever in heaven. Is that true of WTS teaching regarding the vast majority of non-anointed jws? Isn’t life forever on a paradise “earth” their future? By “world” it means people not a place or location.
So while Abraham dwelt in tents, does that mean jws must never buy a house or land, must move around in tents? Must not get to know their neighbors as people but only as potential converts and if they refuse, bad association?
God’s people=only jws
3. What topic, image, and point of similarity do we find at
Psalm 90:1?
3 Like many word pictures in the Bible, Psalm 90:1
has a topic, an image, and a point of similarity. The
topic is Jehovah. The image is that of a
dwelling, or place of habitation. Jehovah
has much in common with such a place.
For example, Jehovah provides protection
for his people. This is in harmony
with the fact that he is the very personification
of love. (1 John 4:8) He is also a
God of peace, who makes his loyal ones
“dwell in security.” (Ps. 4:8) Consider, for
instance, his dealings with faithful patriarchs,
beginning with Abraham.
Does God (or the WTS) promise protection for an individual in the WT organization? Are you an ancestor of Jesus?
*** w10 4/15 p. 8 par. 5 Holy Spirit’s Role in the Outworking of Jehovah’s Purpose ***
Jehovah used his spirit to protect individuals in the line of descent leading up to the Seed.
*** w11 5/15 p. 19 par. 16 Who Is the Most Important Person in Your Life? ***
As we draw ever closer to the end of this wicked world, more and more of Jehovah’s people are being affected by disasters and tragedies. We do not expect miraculous protection at this time. Even so, like Job, we may find that our hearts are weighed down when we lose loved ones or suffer personal difficulties.
*** w75 6/15 p. 377 par. 10 Looking to the Future with Confidence ***
10 Should we expect, moreover, that because Jehovah is on our side he will miraculously intervene to protect each one of us personally from death or injury during the “great tribulation”? Both Psalm 91:7-12 and Proverbs 3:25, 26 have been mistakenly cited by some as supporting this view. The psalm says: “A thousand will fall at your very side and ten thousand at your right hand; to you it will not come near.” Lest we read into this text more than it states, we must ask ourselves if Moses is here talking about the coming “great tribulation” and is declaring a blanket protection for individual servants of God then. This would hardly be so when we remember that centuries later Paul showed that up to his time the devoted followers of Jehovah had undergone mockings, scourgings, prisons, tribulations and many other persecutions, even violent death. However, we can be assured that, as a group, Jehovah will protect them from being exterminated by their enemies during the “great tribulation,” and He, himself, will not touch them during his executing of adverse judgments.—Heb. 11:36-38.
4, 5. How did God prove to be “a real dwelling”
for Abraham?
4 We can only imagine how Abraham,
then Abram, felt when Jehovah told him:
“Go your way out of your country and
from your relatives . . . to the country
that I shall show you.” If Abraham felt
any anxiety, it no doubt melted away
with Jehovah’s next words: “I shall make
a great nation out of you and I shall bless
you and I will make your name great . . .
And I will bless those who bless you, and
him that calls down evil upon you I shall
curse.”—Gen. 12:1-3.
Imagine = and the WTS is not beyond inventing things that never happened in the bible to use in their “bible” dramas.
So God promise to make a nation out of you, make your name great if you moved? Are Gilead jws and “need greaters” getting a greater blessing that jws that stay around their family and home community?
5 With those words, Jehovah took it
upon himself to become a secure dwelling
for Abraham and for his descendants.
(Gen. 26:1-6) Jehovah fulfilled
his promise. For example, he prevented
Pharaoh of Egypt and King Abimelech
of Gerar from violating Sarah and
doing away with Abraham. He protected
Isaac and Rebekah in a similar manner.
(Gen. 12:14-20; 20:1-14; 26:6-11) We
read: “[Jehovah] did not allow any human
to defraud them, but on their account
he reproved kings, saying: ‘Do not
you men touch my anointed ones, and to
my prophets do nothing bad.’ ”—Ps. 105:
14, 15.
Is God more a secure dwelling for those who leave friends, family, and homes behind that those who stay?
Abimelech thought that Sarah was a woman without a husband but Abraham said she was his sister (half-sister) rather than tell Abimelech that she was his wife. Abraham lied because he was afraid he would be killed and not get the promise God had given. Didn’t he trust in God’s desire and ability to protect them? And neither did Isaac: Isaac also lied and said Rebekah was his sister, not his wife.
6. What did Isaac tell Jacob to do, and how
may Jacob have felt?
6 Those prophets included Abraham’s
grandson Jacob. When the time came for
Jacob to take a wife for himself, Isaac, his
father, said to him: “You must not take a
wife from the daughters of Canaan. Get
up, go to Paddan-aram to the house of
Bethuel the father of your mother and
from there take yourself a wife from the
daughters of Laban.” (Gen. 28:1, 2) Jacob
promptly obeyed Isaac. Jacob left the security
of his immediate family, who
were living in Canaan, to travel, evidently
alone, hundreds of miles to the area
of Haran. (Gen. 28:10) Perhaps he wondered:
‘How long will I be away? Will my
uncle warmly welcome me and grant me
a God-fearing wife?’ If Jacob had such
anxieties, these no doubt melted away
when he reached Luz, some 60 miles
(100 km) from Beer-sheba. What happened
at Luz?
Did Isaac tell Esau the same, remember Jacob and Esau were twins?
So does this mean jws have to travel far to find a “god-fearing” mates? Is that why sisters go to more than one convention/assembly; visit Bethel every year and go to other countries to up the odds?
PICTURE: “I am not going to leave you”
7. By means of a dream, how did God reassure
7 At Luz, Jehovah appeared to Jacob
in a dream, saying: “Here I am with you
and I will keep you in all the way you
are going and I will return you to this
ground, because I am not going to leave
you until I have actually done what I have
spoken to you.” (Gen. 28:15) How those
kind words must have reassured and
comforted Jacob! Can you picture him
thereafter striding along, eager to see
how God would fulfill His word? If you
have left home, perhaps to serve in a foreign
land, you likely understand Jacob’s
range of emotions. No doubt, though,
you have seen evidence of Jehovah’s care
for you.
Does God appear to jws in dreams today? What is more direct, that or try to understand the ever-changing doctrine and policy of the WTS?
Picture him=imagine
So God’s care is yours only if you go to a foreign land?
8, 9. In what ways did Jehovah prove to be “a
real dwelling” for Jacob, and what can we learn
from this?
8 When Jacob reached Haran, his uncle
Laban extended a warm welcome to
him and later gave him Leah and Rachel
as wives. In time, though, Laban
tried to exploit Jacob, changing his wages
ten times! (Gen. 31:41, 42) Yet, Jacob
endured these injustices, confident that
Jehovah would continue to care for him
—and He did! Indeed, by the time God
told Jacob to return to Canaan, the patriarch
possessed “great flocks and maidservants
and menservants and camels
and asses.” (Gen. 30:43) Deeply appreciative,
Jacob prayed: “I am unworthy of
all the loving-kindnesses and of all the
faithfulness that you have exercised toward
your servant, for with but my staff
I crossed this Jordan and now I have become
two camps.”—Gen. 32:10.
Oh, so does God promise 2 god-fearing wives for male jws?
Is material wealth proof of God’s blessing?
9 Yes, how true was Moses’ prayer of
reflection: “O Jehovah, you yourself have
proved to be a real dwelling for us during
generation after generation”! (Ps. 90:1)
Those words apply equally today, for
Jehovah, with whom “there is not a variation
of the turning of the shadow,” continues
to be a warm and secure dwelling
for his loyal ones. (Jas. 1:17) Let us consider
Do you feel warm and secure among jws, did you, if not, why not?
10. Why can we be certain that Jehovah continues
to be a secure dwelling for his servants?
10 Imagine this: You are testifying in
court against a global criminal organization.
Its leader is a very intelligent, powerful,
and ruthless liar and murderer.
How would you feel when you stepped
outside the court at day’s end? Safe?
Hardly! Indeed, you would have good
reason for requesting protection. This
scenario illustrates the situation of Jehovah’s
servants, who boldly testify for Jehovah
and fearlessly expose his vicious
archenemy, Satan! (Read Revelation 12:
17.) But has Satan been able to silence
God’s people? No! In fact, we continue
to thrive spiritually—a reality that can
have only one explanation: Jehovah is
still our refuge, “a real dwelling” for us,
especially during these last days. (Read
Isaiah 54:14, 17.) That said, however, Jehovah
cannot be a secure dwelling for us
if we allow Satan to lure us away from
our dwelling place.
Imagine: So why would any jw testify about a serious crime? Do individual jws and the WTS never appeal to law enforcement, the legal system, or even the government for justice and protection? Based on the court cases the WTS is so proud of, they admit they do.
11. What lesson can we learn from the patriarchs?
11 Once again, let us learn a lesson
from the patriarchs. Although they lived
in the land of Canaan, they remained
separate from the people of the land,
whose wicked, immoral ways they hated.
(Gen. 27:46) They were men of principle
who did not depend on a long list
of dos and don’ts to guide them. What
they knew about Jehovah and his personality was
sufficient for them. Because
he was their dwelling, they did not want
to get as close to the world as they could.
Rather, they stayed as far away from it as
possible. What a fine example they set
for us! Do you strive to imitate the faithful
patriarchs as to your choice of associates
and entertainment? Sadly, some
within the Christian congregation give
evidence that, at least to a degree, they
feel comfortable in Satan’s world. If you
feel that way even a little, pray about the
matter. Remember, this world is Satan’s.
It reflects his cold, self-serving spirit.
—2 Cor. 4:4; Eph. 2:1, 2.
Do jws stay separate? They work for and with non-jws. They live among non-jws like Lot did. They do business with non-jws. Do they stop all association with non-jw relatives?
How far must jws go in not being around non-jws? No association with non-jw relatives? No conversation with workmates except what revolves around work? A cold presentation unannounced at a non-jw’s door and no conversation that is not directly about the bible?
So all non-jws are cold and self-serving?
12. (a) How does Jehovah provide for his spiritual
household? (b) How do you feel about
these provisions?
12 In order to resist Satan’s machinations,
we need to take full advantage
of the spiritual provisions that Jehovah
makes for his household of faith,
for those who make him their dwelling.
These provisions include Christian
meetings, family worship, and “gifts in
men”—shepherds appointed by God to
comfort and support us as we struggle
with life’s challenges. (Eph. 4:8-12)
Brother George Gangas, who was
a member of the Governing Body for a
number of years, wrote: “When I am
among [God’s people] I feel at home
with my family, in a spiritual paradise.”
Do you feel the same way?
Full advantage = more than 10 hours preaching a month; 30 hours meetings and travel time; 4 hours “family worship”
Standard elder comfort: Hi Sister Rarely Here, how are you….as he keeps walking to talk to someone more important to him
Gangas was never married, had no children, did he have non-jw family?
13. What important lesson can we draw from
Hebrews 11:13?
13 Another quality of the patriarchs
that is worthy of imitation is their willingness
to stand out as different from
the people around them. As noted in
paragraph 1, they “publicly declared that
they were strangers and temporary residents
in the land.” (Heb. 11:13) Are you
resolved to stand out as being different?
Granted, doing so is not always easy. But
with God’s help and with support from
your fellow Christians, you can succeed.
Remember, you are not alone. All who
want to serve Jehovah have a fight on
their hands! (Eph. 6:12) Still, it is a fight
we can win if we trust in Jehovah and
make him our secure dwelling.
So how did the patriarchs stand out as different? Remember that the patriarchs had no mandate to preach to those “in the world” and bring them to worship their god.
They lived in tents and moved around, not living in cities. Should jws do the same?
Should jws announce to all non-jws that they are jws and can’t associate with them except extremely controlled situations? How do jws “reject” the world, non-jws, and show Christlike love and hope that they have something good in them?
(1 Corinthians 5:9, 10) 9 In my letter I wrote YOU to quit mixing in company with fornicators, 10 not [meaning] entirely with the fornicators of this world or the greedy persons and extortioners or idolaters. Otherwise, YOU would actually have to get out of the world.
(John 17:15) 15 “I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one.
14. Jehovah’s servants awaited what “city”?
14 Also important is this: Imitate
Abraham by keeping your eyes on the
prize. (2 Cor. 4:18) The apostle Paul
wrote that Abraham “was awaiting the
city having real foundations, the builder
and maker of which city is God.” (Heb.
11:10) That “city” proved to be the Messianic
Kingdom. Abraham, of course,
had to await that “city.” In a sense, we do
not. It is now ruling in heaven. What is
more, mounting evidence indicates that
it will soon take full control of the earth.
Is that Kingdom real to you? Does it influence
your outlook on life, your view
of the present world, and your priorities?—
Read 2 Peter 3:11, 12.
PICTURE: God’s angels support and protect his servants (but not individually)
What does 2 Cor. 4:18 really say, anything about Abraham? Who was Paul talking to, Christians with a hope of going to heaven to rule with Christ…did Abraham hope that?
(2 Corinthians 4:18) 18 while we keep our eyes, not on the things seen, but on the things unseen. For the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting.
SOON = since 1914 ruling in the midst of his enemies= 99 years = soon?
Full control = not yet, but soon
WTS view of the present world = all 7 billion non-jws, men, women and children will soon die eternally unless they become jws
15. What future awaits those who trust in the
present world?
15 As Satan’s world nears its end, its
“pangs of distress” will get worse. (Matt.
24:7, 8) Things will definitely get worse
during the great tribulation. Infrastructures
will collapse, and people will fear
for their very lives. (Hab. 3:16, 17) Out of
sheer desperation, they will, as it were,
seek refuge “in the caves and in the rockmasses
of the mountains.” (Rev. 6:15-17)
But neither literal caves nor mountainlike
political and commercial organizations
will afford any protection.
Satan’s world = all non-jws will soon end eternally
What is the great tribulation according to the WTS.
Where do jws go in disasters, do they depend on the police, firefighters, etc. Do the brothers come and put out house fires, arrest criminals? Does the WTS buy them food, clothing?
16. How should we view the Christian congregation,
and why?
16 Jehovah’s people, however, will
continue to enjoy the safety of their
“real dwelling,” Jehovah God. Like the
prophet Habakkuk, they “will exult in
Jehovah himself.” They “will be joyful
in the God of [their] salvation.” (Hab. 3:
18) In what ways will Jehovah prove to
be “a real dwelling” during that tumultuous
time? We will have to wait and see.
But of this we can be sure: Like the Israelites
at the time of the Exodus, the
“great crowd” will remain organized,
ever alert to divine direction. (Rev. 7:9;
read Exodus 13:18.) That direction will
come theocratically, probably by means
of the congregation arrangement. Indeed,
the many thousands of congregations
around the world appear to be
linked to the protective “interior rooms”
foretold at Isaiah 26:20. (Read.) Do you
value the congregation meetings? Do
you act promptly on the direction Jehovah
provides through the congregation
arrangement?—Heb. 13:17.
Jehovah’s people = only baptized jws and minor children
Does the WTS offer individual jws the promise of not dying during the great tribulation?
PROBABLY by means of the congregation arrangement = Isaiah 26:20 “interior rooms”
So does that mean safety is at a building, like the KH?
Will the end come when all are in a KH?
17. In what way is Jehovah “a real dwelling”
even for his loyal servants who have died?
17 Even those who might die faithful
before the great tribulation begins remain
secure with Jehovah, their “real
dwelling.” How so? Long after the faithful
patriarchs had died, Jehovah said to
Moses: “I am the God of . . . Abraham,
the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.”
(Ex. 3:6) After quoting these words, Jesus
added: “He is a God, not of the dead,
but of the living, for they are all living to
him.” (Luke 20:38) Yes, to Jehovah, his
loyal ones who have died faithful to him
are as good as alive; their resurrection is
a certainty.—Eccl. 7:1.
There was a time the WTS taught that between 1914 and the start of the great tribulation was a judgment period (separating of the sheep and goats) and non-jws who died during that time would not be resurrected. When the WTS changed to separation of the sheep and goats to shortly after the start of the GT, non-jws could have a resurrection then. The WTS also teaches that those who died in the flood and at Sodom and Gomorrah, died eternally. Did you realize that they taught that those who died in 70 A.D. had the same fate?
*** w08 7/15 p. 20 par. 17 You Do Not Know Where It Will Have Success! ***
Does this separating refer to the final judgment of the sheep and the goats that Jesus said would occur when he arrived in his glory? (Matt. 25:31-33) No. That final judgment will occur at Jesus’ coming during the great tribulation
*** w52 6/1 p. 340 par. 22 “Get Out of Her, My People” ***
Major and complete fulfillment comes in our day, is now in progress. Satan’s world entered its “time of the end” A.D. 1914. There its license and authority to rule ended as far as Jehovah was concerned, though it remains for a time, until its accomplished end, just as did the Jewish system of things. This present satanic system is in its judgment period, and execution will come in this generation, at Armageddon. That execution of judgment against nations and individuals will be just as final as were the executions at the end of the typical judgment periods of times past, such as the Noachian flood, the rain of fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, and the destruction wrought on natural Israel A.D. 70.
*** w05 5/1 p. 22 par. 18 The Resurrection Hope—What Does It Mean for You? ***
If tempted to commit immorality, we will firmly resist. We realize that should we die before Armageddon, a continued course of conduct displeasing to Jehovah could put us in the same position as those who have no prospect of a resurrection.
18. In the new world, how will Jehovah prove
to be “a real dwelling” for his people in a special
18 In the new world just ahead, Jehovah
will become “a real dwelling” for his
people in yet another sense. Says Revelation
21:3: “Look! The tent of God is
with mankind, and he will reside with
them.” Initially, Jehovah will reside with
his earthly subjects representatively by
means of Christ Jesus. At the end of
the thousand years, Jesus will hand the
Kingdom over to his Father, having fully
accomplished God’s purpose for the
earth. (1 Cor. 15:28) Thereafter, perfected
mankind will no longer need Jesus
as an intercessor; Jehovah will be with
them. What a wonderful prospect lies
before us! In the meantime, then, let
us strive to imitate the faithful generations
of old by making Jehovah our “real
So will be as it is today a group of imperfect non-anointed men between the survivors and Jesus or God? And when the end of the 1,000 years dawn, will perfect humans need men as an intercessor with God or will they have a relationship like Adam and Eve are said to have had? Will the rules and reminders be gone because everyone will be perfect?
(Jesus is already out of the picture; I remember how often blessing on the GB were a prominent part and the obligatory, “in Jesus’ name” was tacked on at the end.)
Another article with nothing more than “obey the GB” as its theme.
What about Jesus’ name?
(Matthew 24:9) 9 “Then people will deliver YOU up to tribulation and will kill YOU, and YOU will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name.
(1 Corinthians 1:2) . . .to the congregation of God that is in Corinth, to YOU who have been sanctified in union with Christ Jesus, called to be holy ones, together with all who everywhere are calling upon the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours:
(Philippians 2:9-11) . . .For this very reason also God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every [other] name, 10 so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground, 11 and every tongue should openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
(Acts 2:38) 38 Peter [said] to them: “Repent, and let each one of YOU be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of YOUR sins, and YOU will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. . .
Love Blondie