Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-26-2013 WT Study (DWELLING)

by blondie 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Christian??? Then, why do they harp so much on Abraham, supposedly the father of the JEWS? Why does the religion then profess to be pure Christian? Perhaps they can't handle the truth. Also, Abraham was prominent. If that thing were slaughtered, the whole Jewish race would have been snuffed out, and Jesus along with it. So joke-hova could not afford to lose Abraham. Can he afford to lose you? Probably.

  • FadeToBlack

    My favorite quote from paragraph 11:

    They were men of principle who did not depend on a long list

    of dos and don’ts to guide them. What

    they knew about Jehovah and his personality was

    sufficient for them.

    They forgot to add: But, Jehovah's servants are not like that today. We need a long list of dos and don'ts and we need someone (GB) to explain it to us.

    Of course, nobody made a comment about this part of the paragraph and the conductor avoided it too.


    Thanks Blondie!

    They LOVE the Hebrew scriptures! Why the emphasis on the OT? It puts the focus on Rutherford's " JEHOVAH. " The truth always comes out. Once again they screwed up. It's there, did you catch it? Did anyone notice this?

    18) In the new world just ahead, Jehovah

    will become "a real dwelling" for his

    people in yet another sense. Says Revelation

    21:3: "Look! The tent of God is

    with mankind, and he will reside with

    them." Initially, Jehovah will reside with

    his earthly subjects representatively by

    means of Christ Jesus. At the end of

    the thousand years, Jesus will hand the

    Kingdom over to his Father, having fully

    accomplished God's purpose for the

    earth. (1 Cor. 15:28) Thereafter, perfected

    mankind will no longer need Jesus

    as an intercessor; Jehovah will be with

    them. What a wonderful prospect lies

    before us! In the meantime, then, let

    us strive to imitate the faithful generations

    of old by making Jehovah our "real


    Intercessor, or one who intercedes.

    Definition of INTERCESSION

    1: the act of interceding2: prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another- in·ter·ces·sion·al adjective- in·ter·ces·sor noun- in·ter·ces·so·ry adjective See intercession defined for kids »

    Definition of INTERCEDE

    : to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences : ( mediate )

    Definition of MEDIATE

    transitive verb1a : to bring accord out of by action as an intermediary b : to effect by action as an intermediary 2 a : to act as intermediary agent in bringing, effecting, or communicating : convey

    Related to MEDIATE

    ( intercede, ) intermediate, interpose, intervene

    Definition of MEDIATOR

    1: one that mediates; especially : one that mediates between parties at variance

    Related to MEDIATOR

    broker, buffer, conciliator, go-between, honest broker,interceder,( intercessor,) intermediary, intermediate,interposer, middleman, peacemaker

    One more time:

    " Thereafter, perfected

    mankind will no longer need Jesus

    as an intercessor ( mediator );"

    So JW's, Jesus is now your intercessor by the WTBTS's own admission. The synonym of intercessor is MEDIATOR. CHRIST IS YOUR MEDIATOR. Now go and figure out what Christ is mediator of.. Then ask yourself what you should do.



  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    DATA-DOG: ' Did anyone notice this?' (regarding par 18)

    It seems like WT can’t wait till the thousand years are over.

    WT doesn’t give Jesus Christ, our Ransomer, due honor and recognition in its publications and now in this paragraph they are fast forwarding events, talking a thousand plus years into the future when there is ‘no longer need’ of Jesus Christ, when he hands over the Kingdom to his Father. What, is Jesus at that time put out to pasture? Cause that’s what you're saying in this paragraph! And what, are we to erase from memory what he did to benefit mankind?

    What ingrates!!!

  • PaintedToeNail

    Re: paragraph 5, never, ever thought of Abraham's lie as not trusting Jehovah would protect him and keep him safe from harm so he could enjoy his 'promise'. But that really does seem to be the case doesn't it? Great observation blondie!

  • prologos

    re: comments on par. 5:

    The god of the OT is not above using deception, suspension of laws* for his purposes, and expects his followers to copy him. I Kings 22:22, context.

    but he can not lie.

    Abraham played it save, just in case.

    so does the wt and wise witnesses.

    "the meek will inherit the earth", but just in case lets BUY the real estate.

    *talking donkeys, stopping, reversing the rotation of earth etc etc.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    11. What lesson can we learn from the patriarchs?

    That marrying relatives is good and taking multiple wives is even better. And if you don't get enough sons from your wives, start banging their maids. And don't forget "faithful Lot" who knocked up his own daughters after his wife got turned into a kitchen condiment.

  • prologos

    that leaves a LOT to be desired.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had a strange relationship with Jehovah God. How come Job was not made a great people, could Abraham have taken the onslaught of great pain and suffering the way Job handled this massive assualt against his soul? I don't care how much he bragged about his own integrity, Job took on the most powerful force of evil in the Universe and suceeded. Did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ever show fear and lie or flee from their enemies to avoid danger?

    1. Abraham and Isaac told a half-truth about their wives. Job lost his kids, property and health in the stroke of a wand by Satan. Job did not lie nor did he shrink down when others tried to bully him into saying he was a wicked man. Job stood up to Satan who controlled Bildad, Zophar and Eliphaz with misinformation and distrust and lies about God.

    2. Jacob was a man who showed weird attitude to his first wife he was tricked into marrying. A man of God it would seem would except his situation as Divine Providence and show love and respect to both of his wives. The wreckless manner his children behaved demonstrated Jacob seemed to be away from the family not teaching the kids proper respect for God and their fellow men.

    Job is said to have treated to orphan and downtrodden with kindness and never withheld doing good to anyone that he had the chance to. Job was a man of high integrity, why not focus on him more? I am not down-playing any of the greatness the Fathers of Judaism, they did showed some great character and strenght in diffucult situations. A side not, what did Isaac do because the Bible is silent on his life.

    "Black" I like the point you mentioned on paragraph 5 about "Jehovah's people of old did not need a long list of rules like modern day Jehovah's Witnesses need before they start their day." Good job!

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