Is it family, friends, idealism??? what????
Who/what is more responsible for you becoming a JW?
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
my parents, I was born in, no choice.
return of parakeet
I had no choice. When I was 12 my mother forced me and my sibs into the cult. My father stood by and let it happen.
while i was born in, i still fault myself for not waking earlier.
Born in -- Mother and older sister
free @ last
My fault I accept full responsibility. Choose to follow my siblings and decided to get dunked at 14. Didn't want to rock the boat or disappoint mom & pops.
My aunt (mother's brother's wife) dragged my mother into it when the end of the world was coming in 1975.
My mother left it when the end didn't come, but went back years later.It was the only religion I knew, but I didn't go back with my mother. But Mom sent the JW's to me when I made a mess of my life as an adult in my 20's. Then I joined.
My aunt was the key link. My mother was the driving force.
Julia Orwell
Idealism for me! Converted as a teenager. Also friendship- I was socially awkward teen and a bit of an outsider. JWs gave me friends and a social group.
dazed but not confused
Born in. Loved it so much I was baptized at 13 and fully woke up at 27 and abruptly left. I am responsible for not leaving sooner. I just wanted to believe sooooo bad.