Any ExJW kids out there?

by Bubbles 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    ((((bethany)))) yer such a cutie

    even after everything
    you're the queen and i'm the king
    nothing else means anything

  • Bubbles

    How old are you Dutchie?

  • Dutchie

    Hi Bubbles, I am 38 years old. Women don't like to tell their age and I hate to say it, but I am 38. There, it's out in the open. I always try to hide it and sometimes I even lie and say I am 35, but its no good to lie. You have to remember what you said that was untrue and its just too hard. So, yes I am 38. I even have some strands of grey hair. I tell my kids, "Pull out Mommie's grey hair", and they said "Mommie its too many to pull out."
    Anyway, don't tell anybody. My age is just a secret between you and me.

    I have four children and they are all making comments about how hungry they are. So I am going now to cook some dinner. I don't have much food in the house now and I don't feel like going to the store so I am going to boil a chicken, make some potatoes and make some brocolli. I hope that keeps them quiet for a while! Oh, and I have some jello for dessert.

    If you lived near me I would insist that you and your Mom come for dinner!

  • Simon

    Hey Bubbles!

    Nice to have you post and I hope you find someone to chat with - I've made some good friends over the internet that I have never actually met in person and it's really nice getting to know people in different countries with different backgrounds.

    I'm probably just out of the age bracket but I loved the Narnia stories when I was little - I have the complete set of 7 books and plan on re-reading them soon.

  • DakotaRed

    Hi Bubbles, and welcome. I do hope there are some others near your age here and they correspond with you.

    Dutchie, you made me laugh. Sounding so old at 38? Wait until you are 53 like me. Of course, my brain often tells me I am still in my twenties. When it does, my body lkaughs and says, "Oh yeah? Just watch this!" Of course, I get a pain or cramp somehwere right after. Gray hair? At 38? Just wait. My family is noted for premature gray. My 29 year old daughter is already showing some gray. She thanks God for Clairol.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • peaceloveharmony

    hi bubbles :) what a cutie you are. although i'm technically an adult i still act like a kid once in awhile hehe. i do hope you find some other kids your age to chat with. i love to read too and have read all the harry potter books. i just loved them. i haven't read the narnia series yet but want too soon. i also love to dance! who's your favorite artist/band?

    keep smiling bubbles :) talk to you soon


    ps. xena, you've got a special kid there :) hugs and kisses

  • LittleToe

    Hi Bubbles,

    I hope you find a great penpal.
    What kind of music do you like?
    I like most music.

    I really enjoyed Shrek - I've got layers, like an onion, too (not parfait, or cake).

    So, you're going to be a box engineer, huh?

    Catch ya later,

  • hillary_step

    Hello Bubbles,

    I was created when I was twenty-seven so I did not have the chance to be seven years old, judging from your happy posts it sound like a lot of fun.

    Most of us on this board, except for your mum of course, act as if we are seven most of the time, so you have actually already lots of ready made pen-pals right now.

    Little Toe is the youngest boy on the Board, he is eleven and started shaving when he was three. Then comes Alan, he is twelve and was born with that hat on his head, he is very, very clever, we all call him Brainiac.

    No-body knows how old Simon is because he was born in a place called Manchester and they do not keep records there, though some people say he is so old that he has moss growing where his hair used to be. He is married to a lovely girl called Angharad. You can only pronounce her name properly after you have run four miles with a piglet under each arm.

    Anyway Bubbles, keep writing to us until you find your pen-pal. OK?

    Uncle Step

  • stardust

    I am heavens daughter.
    I am 10 years old. Im in 5th grade. I have a never been a J.W. but my mom was and alot of my family still is.
    I like to sing, play video games and rollerblading. I saw Harry Potter too, It was pretty good. I couldnt write to my J.W. cousin about it though because she doesn't watch those kinds of movies. I saw the movie Ice Age a week ago. It was really funny.
    I cant give my e-mail right here but maybe my mom could get yours from your mom.
    I have to go because I have school tomorrow but hopefully I can talk to you again.
    From, stardust.

  • Solace

    Check your e-mail.
    Stardust would love to be bubbles pen pal.
    She (((loves))) to e-mail but most of her friends have MSN chat so they dont usually e-mail.
    Shes looking forward to hearing from her.

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