Any ExJW kids out there?

by Bubbles 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    I will let stardust know.
    She is so excited and was planning on logging on after to school to check this thread for a response before I told her "no-way, not without me"! She also told her friend about this forum at school today. She didnt realize that her friends aunt was a J.W. Now her friend is asking for the website so she can tell her aunt about it!!
    I Guess we may have some new friends visiting!
    So much for being anonymous! She probably told them our user names too. What a stinker, they are just too smart, ya' know?!
    Oh, well. I guess she takes after her mother. Just cant keep things to herself!

    She also enjoys handwriting and getting mail from the post office so if your daughter likes to write letters, Im sure she would love that too.
    I agree, this time change is awful! We all feel so sleep deprived.
    I think its going to be a tough week!

  • Billygoat

    Hi Bubbles!

    I'm so glad you are on the board now. I am 30 years old. Probably too old to be your penpal, but you can write me anytime you want. My email address is [email protected]. I will always write you back. I teach children about your age at summer camp. You write very, very well. You should be proud!

    Here are some things about me:

    Favorite ice cream: chocolate
    Favorite music: jazz
    Pets: two dogs, Henry and Mandy
    Favorite cartoon: Wyle E. Coyote - I feel sorry for him because nothing goes right in his life.

    Write us back when you can! I'm glad you're here. You're mom is pretty special too!


    ((((xena))) You should be proud hon!

  • Simon

    The Narnia books are great aren't they!

    Did you know the story is actually based on the bible? How Aslan sacrifices himself to cover the sins of Edward (I think) and appears as a Lion and a Lamb with a Heaven-like 'better Narnia' that they go to with a resurrection ... quite interesting.

    Which two have you got? I read The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe at school and it was great discovering how the Lampost got there, where the wardrobe came from and who their uncle or grandfather was. The later books have some great stories too.

    Yes, I have two little lads - Liam is 5 in a few weeks and Dylan is nearly 3.

    Edited by Simon's wife because he doesnt know how old his kids are

  • Abaddon

    Dear Bubbles,

    I dearly wish that I could introduce you to my daughters, but they are not xJW's... at least not yet. It would cause lots of problems if I did - I'm sure you and they would get along just fine, but their mum would probably have the raving hebeygeebies if she found out. I don't know what the raving hebeygeebies are, but I had a teacher in school when I was your age who always threatened to have them if we didn't behave, and have always thought they sounded pretty bad.

    They are growing up with their mum, my ex-wife. I see them regulary - I'm actually going to see them this weekend (about a thousand mile round journey), but their mum is still taking them to meetings whenever she goes.

    Obviously, they are my kids, so I think they are the smartest in the world, even though you sound very clever. My youngest daugheter is a couple of years older than you, her sister is twelve. When the youngest one was your age she said something I thought was great.

    Her sister was asking me why I didn't believe any more. I try not to say things that will cause arguements with my ex-wife when they get repeated to her, so I wasn't really giving a proper reply, so the younger one said "I know why Daddy doesn't believe any longer, he doesn't believe because he thinks it is silly".

    She must have come up with that herself, as I'd never said anything like that to her.

    My oldest daughter loves reading. You could strap her in a roller coaster at night with a box of matches and she'd read as long as she still had matches to see by.

    Simon's right about the Narnia books. They are brilliant... I think 'Prince Caspian' and the 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader' are my favourates; the last one is 'The Final Battle' or something like that; it's a bit silly really. There's a new Harry Potter book due this year, isn't there?.

    I hope as they grow up they will get the chance to decide if they want to be xJW's too. Maybe one day you'll have a couple of English pen pals!

    All the best

    Abaddon (my real name is Gyles... like the guy in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (if you watch that yet!)).

  • LittleToe

    Hi Bubbles,

    I like Rock n Roll, too.
    What tracks do you like?

    I think that Eddie Murphy is hilarious!!!
    He's naughty, but he always makes me laugh.
    Your mom is like that, too!

    I think the dragon, in Shrek, was cute. She had a bit of a temper, but had lovely eyes.
    What do you think?


  • Prisca

    I love Shrek too! It was very funny and it had a happy ending. I love happy endings.

    I am 32 years old. That probably sounds very old to you, but I have all my own teeth and don't need a walking stick yet.

    I have a little niece who is 5 and we have lots of fun together. She likes colouring in. She has lots of colouring books. Do you like colouring in? I do.

  • Angharad

    I loved Shrek too, The line at the end cracks me up when the donkey says - 'I've got a dragon here and I'm not afriad to use it, I'm a donkey on edge!!!!!'

  • Naeblis


    Hi. I'm Naeblis. I'm a funny little muppet. If anyone tells you that I bite little kids, that person is a liar, and you should probably bite them. Bye bye!

    P.S. I promise I won't bite you.

    P.P.S Come a little closer.

  • LittleToe

    My, oh my, what big teeth you have, Naeblis...

  • Dutchie

    Hi Bubbles, I am sorry that I did not respond earlier, but I forgot to come back to this thread. I have two girls, 19 and 17. I have two boys is 18 and 14. They are very nice children. Of course, sometimes they are fresh and the boys sometimes forget to take out the garbage, but all in all they are very good and I'm very proud of them. The oldest two are in college now and studying very hard. My youngest boy wants to be a doctor and my youngest daughter wants to dance in a chorus line. Oh, well.......

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