The Watchtower's 'Lost Generation'

by metatron 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xander

    They say Jehovah is guiding them but not providing material word for word.

    If that is true, then why do they disfellowship based on teachings in their publications NOT found in the bible? Short list of teachings in their publications they have DFed for at one time that are not biblicly supported (note: that ARE supported by their publications):

    1) Smoking
    2) 'Deviant Sexual Practices' WITHIN the marriage
    3) Not believing the Governing Body is the channel of god. (C'mon, NO WHERE in the bible does it say that a group of old men in Bethel are god's one, unique, channel to humans.)
    4) Blood transfusions (sorry, they can argue all they want about 'eating blood' - in the bible, there are examples of loyal troups eating unbled meat without punishment - but, even in that case, no mention is made of transfusions. Any doctor can easily explain the difference between the two)
    5) Questioning jesus return in 1914

    Not trying to distract from the main point here, which was: If their publications are NOT directly inspired by god, what gives them the right to 'cut off' someone from the congregation based SOLELY on the teachings in their publications?

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • Eric

    Go Ahead Mav/Ernesto/SexyTeen/YoYo, etc:

    You've certainly demonstrated that Jehovah has nothing to do with publishing the Watchtower, not one thing at all.

    Go be with your organization of liars, it seems to be all that you are capable of understanding.

    You need not give a moments thought to my father who went blind although he was a good candidate for a corneal transplant. So what's your opinion on that? Perhaps he just should not have fed upon "the incorrect food at an inappropriate moment" or whatever you want to call it when God's Servant writes a whole bunch of utter garbage on a subject where it had absolutely no idea what it was talking about?

    On the other hand, given your history, perhaps you like lies. Perhaps you find ducking and dodging crap such as what the Watchtower Society printed about organ transplants to be right up your alley. Lying seems to come easily to you, perhaps you've found your element.

    Enjoy your bed, you made it.


  • MavMan


    I think you will find some sound reasoning behind in the publications regarding those disfellowshipping offences.

    The smoking makes sense to me. It is based on a sound Bible principle. Come on, if you smoke once you won't get disfellowhipped. You will if you're stubborn at take up as a practice.

    The Sexual practices I don't know much about, but I would guess that if the elders found out what happens inside a bedroom, it is because one of the spouses spoke to them. That means that that spouse has a problem with it and is not able to solve it his/her spouse. Then the elders would have to give counsel based on Biblical principles regarding loving your spouse and not hurting them, that is physically, emotionally, and sexually.

    Regarding the not believing the GB is the channel of God. This also makes sense if you are publicly preaching this personal idea and belittling them, then of course you would not be kept inside the congregation is good standing.

    The blood transfusion being a disfellowshipping matter, well no matter what I say you will still have your idea. So we'll leave it at that.

    As far as questioning Jesus return in 1914 being a disfellowshipping offence, I really doubt it. It has to be a little more complex than that if the elders see the need to disfellowship. Once again, I don't thing the problem is in doubting, but the attitude the individual has.

    The elders do have the right to 'cut off' someone. This is Biblical and you can read Pauls words regarding that.

  • Xander

    The smoking makes sense to me. It is based on a sound Bible principle....You will if you're stubborn at take up as a practice.

    Yeah, but why? What scriptural proof do they have that smoking is wrong? Where is it even mentioned in the bible?

    The Sexual practices I don't know much about, but I would guess that if the elders found out what happens inside a bedroom, it is because one of the spouses spoke to them.

    Nice try, but if the couple were discussing their sex life with friends and someone was 'stumbled', they would undoubtedly report it to the elders. In fact, of the 4 cases of this I'm personally aware of 3 of them were reported from someone nosing in.

    Then the elders would have to give counsel based on Biblical principles regarding loving your spouse and not hurting them, that is physically, emotionally, and sexually.

    And, if the couple does not immediately agree to stop doing this and stop talking about it, they are DFed. For something not biblically supported.

    Regarding the not believing the GB is the channel of God.

    See, here, you're missing the point of my above post altogether. WHERE IS THIS SCRIPTURALLY SUPPORTED? The answer is: IT'S NOT. The GB decided they were god's mouthpiece and questioning them was wrong, put it in their literature, and they started DFing for it.


    well no matter what I say you will still have your idea

    I don't have any idea how you can be so thick on this one. What is your problem with my above question?

    I really doubt

    Ahh, well you'd be wrong. I suggest you bring this up in your reinstatement meeting and see what they say.

    This is Biblical and you can read Pauls words regarding that

    Really? Mind pointing out the scripture that dictates a group of self-appointed men can give the authority to others to destroy families based on literature that is not god's word?

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • SYN

    Care to give us some examples? I didn't see anything fishy myself, although the one about the Germans is a bit less bad if taken in context, as certain people have informed me on this site in the past. But for the most part, everything said there is utterly ludicrous! (The site isn't ludicrous, guys, it's just the content...) How about this one, from the Watchtower of 1968:

    So by no means would it be proper quietly to submit to rape, as that would be consenting to fornication.
    Just imagine for a moment how many women's lives have been drastically affected for the worse by this sentence in the Watchtower. I doubt that you as a man have any idea what it's like being raped, so I don't expect you to relate, but surely you can understand the suffering of someone who couldn't scream or struggle as there was a gun to their head? And was then disfellowshipped, getting kicked out of their entire social support structure, and left alone at home for year or more? With many sharp, pointy objects available to allow her to dispose of herself if she wanted to (which wouldn't be suprising, considering all the stress she must have gone through, and the depths of her depression?) Now don't make some soppy comment about God judging these people. You and I both know that things like this can be FIXED here and now - but the GB isn't doing it. Explain this to me, as it tends to make me want to not believe the GB.

    OOH, here's another nice one: Would it be different if the man had a weapon and threatened to kill you if you did not submit? No, the Scriptures plainly state that Christians are under obligation to "flee from fornication."

    NUFF SAID. They've already said everything I wanted to, and better. Good grief.

    because if she did not scream she would be as good as dead anyhow.
    AH, more wisdom from the GB. I've met many rape victims, and they all seem pretty healthy to me, except for the occasional bout of suicidal behaviour caused by being rejected by everyone they knew as a Witness, which is often their entire family. Lovely.

    if she did not scream she would ruin her relationship with Jehovah God and the Christian congregation; that then she would be disfellowshiped or excommunicated from it and that this would be worse than being killed as far as she was concerned.
    Sheesh, these guys really ARE talking for God...

    Womankind must share the blame. OK, now I'm starting to laugh. We must take the blame for testosterone? RIIIIGGGHHHHT.....

    True, the woman has to respond according to her assessment of the danger to her life SIGH. Yet another loophole for the Judicial Committee to use.

    So, MavMan, the game's up.

    Seven006: "Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"

  • hillary_step


    Thank you for your comments on this thread which open up some interesting issues. You note regarding the subject of changing doctrinal policy :

    It’s up to the FDS to research the scriptures and base their counsel on those laws and principles. Obviously on the transplant issue they were more informed after making the observation that it was compared to cannibalism. After researching the issue, a more balanced view was given.
    The use of the phrase emboldened above is interesting MavMan. The idea that those who claim to be the voice exclusively speaking for God on this planet, the only true followers of Christ, were ill-informed over matters must allow for some interesting theological conclusions.

    For example. If these same people were or are ill informed about other life and death matters, say the blood transfusion issue, and instructed under pains of punishment a person follows their directions and that person dies, who bears the blood-guilt for the slaughtered person?

    This has happened with regards to the WTS view of Factor VIII and so called ‘blood fractions’.

    Another example. In 1998 the WTS changed its ill-informed understanding of when the ‘sheep and goats’ were to be judged, moving judgment from 1919 to Armageddon. You must obviously remember this as it is quite recent.

    The change from being ill-informed to ‘more informed’ was presented as ‘flashes of light’ coming ‘up’ from Jehovah, who at that stage presumable saw fit to inform his only mouthpiece on earth of this change.

    However, what must be reconciled is that Jehovah’s most bitter enemies, apart from apostates of course, Christendom, has actually been preaching this ‘more informed’ doctrine for at least five hundred years.

    What has gone wrong?

    Best regards - HS

  • Xander

    You know, I've wondered that myself.

    MavMan, perhaps you can answer....

    Over the past few decades, compared to their 1914 doctrines, the witnesses have CONSISTENTLY moved more in line with mainstream protestant-ism.

    So, the question is, why, 'when jesus returned in 1914', did he pick the bible students to be his modern-day messengers? Was it the pyramid worship? No - they stopped doing that since. Perhaps the teaching that the end of the world would come in 1925? Yeah, that's the ticket - no other protestant group believed that at the tim----oh, wait, the bible students stopped believing that, too.

    Uhhhh....the use of god's name? Well, no, during 1914 they were still the 'bible students'. WAIT WAIT - got it! The door to door work! mean, OTHER people were doing it at the time? MORE than the bible students? Crap.....

    Hmmmmm.....brotherly love? Well, no, other groups had that, too....and were significantly less anti-semitic and otherwise racist than the bible students.

    So....uhhh.....WHY were they picked as god's 'one and only' channel to earth?

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • MavMan
    What scriptural proof do they have that smoking is wrong? Where is it even mentioned in the bible?

    2 Cor. 7:1. It’s a principle.

    See, Jehovah has standards, even as a human father may have values and requirements as to behavior at home and in dealing with others. Jehovah provides laws, rules or clearly stated principles that indicate his moral standards and what he expects of humans. But as humans we might chafe at them when they conflict with some personal desire. We might minimize or take exception to his standards, feeling that our situation is an exception or demands a bending of the rules. That’s why many do not accept smoking as a sin, but it doesn’t erase the fact that a logical conclusion can be derived from that principle in 2 Cor. 7:1.

    but if the couple were discussing their sex life with friends and someone was 'stumbled', they would undoubtedly report it to the elders.
    Why would someone be talking about their sex life with their friends? The couple should shut their mouths. If they are reported to the elders, well it’s their fault in the first place for being idiots.

    In fact, of the 4 cases of this I'm personally aware of 3 of them were reported from someone nosing in.
    Then the problem is with those nosing in. What goes on in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom.

    GB decided they were god's mouthpiece and questioning them was wrong, put it in their literature, and they started DFing for it.
    I can see how this is an issue with you since you don’t believe that the Faithful and discreet slave is Jehovah’s channel. But for a loyal Witness this is a non-issue as the Witness can see Jehovah’s blessing upon his people. Of course this is something that you nor other ex-JWs would understand.

    I suggest you bring this up in your reinstatement meeting and see what they say.
    I might do just that. Of course the key is not to be stubborn in our beliefs and try to influence the friends into thinking as one does. The 1914 date is a non-issue to me. It’s not that I’m hard headed, but it’s the only logical conclusion that I have heard or read regarding the “seven times” period given in the book of Daniel.

    Mind pointing out the scripture that dictates a group of self-appointed men can give the authority to others to destroy families based on literature that is not god's word?
    There is no scripture that supports destroying families, that’s why Witnesses do not destroy families. Families are destroyed when a member decides go against Jesus’ teachings and the Bible. They are also destroyed by members that are stubborn in their own imperfect human ideas and try to destroy their faith. If the family is united in faith and knowledge then there is no division.

    Syn: I understand your point on the rape thing. Although you could also see how someone that committed fornication could lie about it and call it rape in order to get away with it. Right?

    'when jesus returned in 1914', did he pick the bible students to be his modern-day messengers?
    Actually they were chosen by 1919. I will try to explain using a scripture:

    Matthew 24:45-51

    45"Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?

    Jesus asked this question as to not identify that servant right away, he then gave a sign as to how he would be identified. The key is “giving their food at the proper time”. That was the responsibility of that slave.

    46It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.

    So now the master (Jesus Christ) arrives to make an inspection to see who is feeding the sheep with Bible truths and following his footsteps. He returns when he is enthroned as king of the Messianic Kingdom and then casts the dragon (Satan) out of heaven. JWs believe this happened in 1914 when he was enthroned (based on the 7-times prophesy in Daniel 4) and the casting of the dragon between 1914 and 1918

    47I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.

    So Jesus is saying that whomever he finds giving the food at the proper time, then he will put that servant in charge of all his possessions. Well who did he find when he turned his attention to Earth after cleansing the heavens of Satan’s presence? Well he started an inspection of all religions and groups professing to be “Christians”. He found that almost all of these supposedly “Christians” were involved in politics and were accepting “The League of Nations” as the only solution to human problems instead of putting their backing on the Messianic Kingdom. I said almost because he found the little group of Bible Students that were researching the scriptures with the desire to find the truths. This little group did not just follow mainstream doctrines, but actually analyzed scriptures and then spread the good news of the Kingdom around the world. So Jesus put them in charge of all his possessions.

    48But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, 'My master is staying away a long time,' 49and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. 50The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    This is what happened to the Christians involved in politics and the backing of The League of Nations and then the United Nations. They turned their back on the Messianic Kingdom, so they are now in spiritual obscurity.

    I hope my explanation of this scriptures helps. I’m not too good at writing so excuse my sentence structure.

  • ThatSucks

    A peer into the cult mindset:

    There is no scripture that supports destroying families, that’s why Witnesses do not destroy families.
    Note taken. Witnesses do not destroy families. Families stay intact.

    Families are destroyed when a member decides go against Jesus’ teachings and the Bible.
    Whoops! We just heard that witnesses do not destroy families, now we are told why the families are destroyed by the witnesses. (And destroyed they are since the witnesses believe they are following the teachings of Jesus&Bible and they are the ones who decided to sever the relationship, hence destroying the family unit.)

    They are also destroyed by members that are stubborn in their own imperfect human ideas and try to destroy their faith.
    Whoops! Now it is because of the other party's imperfect human ideas. So, since the witnesses are the ones who severed the relationship to family, we see again that the witnesses do indeed destroy families.

    If the family is united in faith and knowledge then there is no division.
    Another Whoopsie! Since you must believe as a witness believes in order to refrain from 'dividing' the family, we once again see that the witnesses truly do destroy families, since 9 out of 10 disbelievers still love the family from which they are 'cut off'.

    So we can see that the cult mindset is truly interesting. You can litterally believe two opposing points of view at the same time, and register NO contradiction. (Witnesses do not destroy families, but if the family is united in faith and knowledge there is no division).

  • hillary_step


    I would suggest that this discussion can go no further until you honestly research the *facts* and put aside religious marketing slogans. I am aware that your intent on this Board may be to cause mischief, but I write the following words for the many thousands of 'lurkers' who arrive at this sight each week and who are honest searchers for truth. You note:

    The 1914 date is a non-issue to me. It’s not that I’m hard headed, but it’s the only logical conclusion that I have heard or read regarding the “seven times” period given in the book of Daniel.
    I agree that you are not hard-headed, but seriously compromised where true knowledge of the *facts* are concerned. Your 'logical' conclusion is not based on fact or logic.

    It may surprise you to know that many JW's at senior level are well aware of the flaws in the 607BCE-1914CE ideology. I call it an 'ideology' because as it is unsupported by either Biblical or historical fact, it can only be seen as such.

    At the risk of sounding patronising, which I assure you is not my intent, I would encourage you to do a lot more reading and a little less speaking. If you, or any persons reading this note need a reading list to help with this research, please feel free to mail me at your leisure.

    Best regards - HS

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