Question for MDS and Co.

by eyes_opened 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mommy

    I miss ya man:)
    I only made that post about my daughter because I felt really sorry for Grunt. I would have kept my mouth shut if I knew he was only trying to make a point. Thank you to all are concerned. Like I said I would not have mentioned it. It is not a subject I like to discuss. Most of the time I "pretend" it is not an issue(for my hearts sake)
    So from here on out it is a done deal ok? Maybe if we all "pretend" she will live long enough for me to go before her, because I don't know what I will do if it is the other way around.
    Thank you though:)

  • bjc2012


    Maybe you should go back and reread my posts. I have never said anything about all of the doctrines that JWs teach. It was my concern that they did not understand prophesy beginning with the 1914 teaching. And I said that I was very much interested in understanding the prophetic books because they had not been fulfilled and, most certainly, would be before Jehovah takes action against wickedness.

    It is certainly your perogative to believe or not believe what MDS has written but calling him a wacko is unnecessary. You may disagree with him but that does not make him crazy just because he writes things that you cannot accept or have never heard before. You might want to keep Jesus' admonition in mind, as recorded at Matthew 12:36,37: "I tell you that every unprofitable saying that men speak, they will render an account concerning it on Judgement Day; for by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you will be condemned." I assure MDS is well aware of this scripture, as we all are.

    Of course, you couldn't possibly influence me as you have offered nothing scriptural to disprove what MDS has written. And I also wish you to keep in mind that no one is trying to gain converts from this group on this board as I have said before. In fact, the scriptures show that Israel would reject the message sent to them. But you can't reject what you have not heard. So you are hearing it.


  • mommy

    You are right, my sincere apologies. Mds is not a wacko he is a delusional phsychopath.If I had his posts read by a shrink he would give the same diagnosis.

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